against healthy people subreddit cries about ayran chad spez not gibing gibs to dindu nuffins

124  2020-06-08 by Howard-The-Rancher


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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“immediately ban racist speech and comments AGAINST PROTECTED GROUPS”

yikes, n words and women never fail to be retarded.

Not gonna stop be as I am LGBT




Trans (male to alpha male)

Mhm, saw that.

DeuxChads will just have to identify as trans who present male and are lesbians.

Imagine thinking spez, the person who banned hundreds of subreddits, "isn't taking action."

fuck you karen. if you cared so fucking much why didnt you speak up when it was happening? fuck this finger wagging bull shit. and fuck you for implying that only new witches would want to do something like this. theres always a downside to weather magic but im NOT gunna hesitate to help when people and animals are fucking DIEING.


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they really think spez actually gives a fuck??? im sure this aryan sissy let his team choose what to do

when i dont work out i get very worried about losing all my gainz

when i wasnt in shape i would constantly worry about heart disease or how much harder its gonna be to pound bitches

i dont understand how AHS mods function day to day, arent they worried about all the heart disease and diabetes? i cant imagine being that overweight