
1246  2020-06-08 by -_--__--_


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Politics has devolved into xbox call of duty game chat.

We are way past that point, as there is still communication going on. We have reached LoL text chat levels.

realDonaldTrump: report dems 4 feed plz

DiamondJoe: FF@20


retard-genius alliance when?

Retard here, i want to drink cum

I admire the bravery. I think this has really started a conversation.

i want to drink cum

Can't you drink your own?

Ok wait a sec. I'll tell you after i go guzzle my cum like a true Hispanic Paganβ„’

Just shoot it into your hand and then immediately lick it up. Don't think about it or you will chicken out.

Ok i legit did it and i feel like god holy fuck


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Sentient bot holy shit

mayo foid extinction button

haha she btfod 45 chromozome drumpftard

That really sums them up pretty well, intellectually arrogant retards.

In all fairness I got like 41 of those

Shit, I only have like 5

true deuxchad for having bitches in your DMs

what's wrong with him DMing his tard wranglers

Lmao 47. Mom says I have more than anyone, makes me better

arr slash muderbyword!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


More like suicide by words because she's the one who said it.

Witty putDOWNS

your extra chromosome retard

I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.


  1. πŸ’…πŸ‘„πŸ‘ - archive.org, archive.today

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Never misses

Basado seΓ±or snappy

Tea sis

At least she used "than" correctly the second time. I'm assuming her conversation with made her a bit "smarter"

Were you having a stroke when you wrote your second sentence?

Light seizure.

Thank goodness.

I hate when people use emojis in arguments, it just looks fucking stupid


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By Allah, autojannie supports the slaying of those who use emojis in their comments. Today is a glorious day.

Shut the fuck up bitch πŸ–•πŸ»πŸ€¬πŸ–•πŸΏ



Indeed, she is speaking the logic of gods

Weird flex but ok

Hate how women talk with emojis

hate women*

Little does the mayo foid know that I hoard X and Y chromosomes to become the superior trussy/bussy lover and therefor impossible

higher IQ then you.

I just tried to google this nothing came back

People who never talk regularly about politics only haveπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

when even downies think (((daddycels))) are retarded

So basically you’re tard

Not even drama 😴😴😴

This says enough

6 million chromosome gang

