Talcum X unveiled the Seattle self-defense shooter to be a "known white supremacist". After 13hrs of silence and the shooter turning out to be a Mestizo, people are wondering: "What did he mean by this?"

109  2020-06-08 by WreckingYourHome


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Take a wrong turn down a street and see a crowd of protestors ahead

Start slowing down so I don't hit anyone

Peaceful protestors start grabbing my door handles and beating on my windows as I slowly drive past

Come to a stop, roll down window to speak to the crowd and explain myself, a peaceful jogger sprints up to my window and starts peacefully beating my face in

Shoot that retarded piece of shit

Sadly only a flesh wound

Jogger gets interviewed as he is carried to the hospital

"Sheeeit nigga he wuz tryna hit people and keel people so I wuz defending myself n sheeeit by beating his azz"

Mfw media calls me a white supremacist when I'm a Mexican dude

I would love to see redditor’s reaction to this

"Twitter's neutral experts didn't flag this as misinformation, so there's probably something to it."

Cholos are white supremacists too.

Twitter tards are just gonna claim that the mayo side of his brain took over and that's why he's doing this.

most mutts, particularly of the taco variety, think they’re white

And some mayos like Shaun King think they re black 🤨🤨


So according to you I am a coward because I post stuff on the dick show subreddit when I dislike Dick (absolutely nonsensical on every level already, why shouldn't I post, why posting be cowardly, why should any post on the internet require "courage"?). After you pathetically failed trying to zing me, I explained to you why I post in r/freefolk and other subs and you still can't get two neurons to fire in your oversized skull in order to put two and two together and deduce a potential answer for your question (very stable genius).

So I'll be gracious now and tell you exactly why I posted on the sub, if you can point me to any of my posts there Sherlock. You brought it up, so you must have a specific post in mind.

Link me the post and I'll enlighten you! Tick tock.


  1. Talcum X unveiled the Seattle self-... - archive.org, archive.today*

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