This is exactly what is wrong with Reddit. Mods 231 subreddits. Sees Nazis "EvErYwHeRe"! Labels anyone in disagreement a Nazi. This is why Reddit moderation is broken.

4  2020-06-08 by TrewishJanny


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5/15/2020, 2:19:53 AM How much more specific can I be? I want to fix this communities. If that's not possible, I'm TAKING THEM DOWN. ALL OF THEM. Go back 5 years on some of my accounts; you'll not see more than 20 posts total on the subject of /T_D. I've always been squarely focused where the actual elephants are. There's no one more "on-track" than me. Bigly. Forever..

And I'm not sure what /SE has to do with anything. That's just a matter of keeping a subreddit on-point and true to its purpose(s). By hey, if you really think about it, that's my whole shtick from the start. Not something to fuck with, obviously.

When I click "conspiracy", I best see aliens and shit--not foreign propaganda, dangerous health misinfo, doxxing, neo-Nazi recruitment, etc.

Users will have their communities back. To serve their stated or assumed purposes. Or I and my pals will see that it's ALL nuked (this sub included, if need-be.)

Best. Believe. It...Jack.

Interesting how castrating T_D didn't appease them. In fact it was just the beginning.

That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. This is exactly what is wrong with ... -,

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