Hate to see it

1114  2020-06-08 by CthulhuHimself


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You hit the nail on the head there

bongs are barely human


😪😪😪 smh burgers literally can't conceive they aren't the special and unique melting pot so they say stupid shit like this

Anyway you're wrong, it's mostly white brits swept up in US idpol


This neo-liberalism taking place in the UK is some of the most retarded bollocks I have to endure on a daily basis. I'm not allowed to question our weak border security, the constant harassment of our prime-minister and I'm expected to silence when black people delete our culture and history

blacks say whites don't have culture when black culture is literally based solely on defiling white culture (rap music, drugs, graffiti, twerking, making any community a general shithole)

Black american culture is literally the only major culture not capable of sustaining itself. Even primitive tribal cultures in shitholes in west Africa can at least maintain their archaic society. Even savage south American tribes and their culture keep their civilizations at least surviving. But modern American black culture never needed to sustain itself. They started with everything they'd ever need, no accountability because of how our culture idolizes them, and memories of their ancestors who actually had shit tough. Its like dropping an entire subsect of a race into real life GTA, unlimited freedom and resources (from white cucks), and no rules.

Even primitive tribal cultures in shitholes in west Africa can at least maintain their archaic society. Even savage south American tribes and their culture keep their civilizations at least surviving.

Looks like someone hasn't taken the Tedpill yet

It's like you got your knowledge of black people from snoop Dogg videos lmao.

I said black culture, not all black people. The few actual "doctors n sheit" gtfo of the hoods as fast as possible.

Quite a hot take. Based.


Imagine thinking it wasn’t a mistake siding with the commies in 1940

Well, it's not only black individuals, but quite a substantial proportion of them are Whites too. There is very little one can do when their own people are turning upon themselves and dividing themselves. The caucasians are some of the most scattered people I have seen in terms of identity, whereas other races and cultures harbour much more unity and collective pride.

Being proud of your caucasian identity might even be considered racist. 'White Pride' has been appropriated as a far-right (actual radical right not the pop media version of it)/white nationalist slogan. What a pity. Caucasians must revive and sustain a healthy collective pride and unity in order to progress, they have plenty to be proud of. Good luck.

It never even began afterall

What do you mean weak border security, are the Irish violating your only border in mass in order to illegally immigrate?

the world ended in 2012

U wot? Right-populism ousted neoliberalism in 2016. Even half of labour would support immigration restrictions because of how much the Hoi polloi hate it.

the constant harassment of our prime-minister


Behold the chiseled Aryan warrior, snowflakes.

There's a difference between calling someone retarded and genuinely criticising someone you sarcastic twat


Aight. You do you.

yeah mate i swear on me mum i'll be brushin all me teef right now cuz i still have all of em cuz i'm american and not british lmao

british people don't shower

-ryan reynolds

Why are u yanks so obsessed with our teeth ?

because we need them so we don't end up looking british?














Unsurprisingly, the 1940s Brits don't want anything to do with their country as it is today and feel betrayed.

The book 'The Unknown Warriors' by Nicholas Pringle is a collection of letters from Second World War veterans with memories of wartime and thoughts on life since the end of the war and the country today.

Here are some excerpts regarding the book, taken from a news article about the same:


What is extraordinary about the 150 replies he received, which he has now published as a book, is their vehement insistence that those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war would now be turning in their graves.


'I sing no song for the once-proud country that spawned me,' wrote a sailor who fought the Japanese in the Far East, 'and I wonder why I ever tried.'


They feel, in a word that leaps out time and time again, 'betrayed'.


Immigration tops the list of complaints.


'Our country has been given away to foreigners while we, the generation who fought for freedom, are having to sell our homes for care and are being refused medical services because incomers come first.' Her words may be offensive to many - and rightly so - but Sarah Robinson defiantly states: 'We are affronted by the appearance of Muslim and Sikh costumes on our streets.'


As a group, they feel furious at not being able to speak their minds. They see the lack of debate and the damning of dissenters as racists or Little Englanders as deeply upsetting affronts to freedom of speech. 'Our British culture is draining away at an ever increasing pace,' wrote an ex-Durham Light Infantryman, 'and we are almost forbidden to make any comment.'

I bet if they could go back in time they would say fuck it and sit back while everything exploded around them.

On average when you fight in a war for someone else you get fucked in the end

At least old timey wars got you loot and sex slaves

The sun really is setting on the bongpire, never to rise again.

Thank God

They deserve it for snaking on Rhodesia.

And South Africa. And Hong Kong.

Every time i remember rhodesia i sigh for a full minute

Karma is a bitch lol

Since he fought the Nazis, he was Antifa, who are the good ones, and racism is bad, so how can he be good and bad at the same time? Bloody check mate. My head hurts now

being an leftist sperg. Unconcerned with frivolities such as ideological consistency, can bring political power some would deem unnatural.

The British in 1989: I’m gonna build me a homemade rocket just to get some cheese.

The British in 2020: we must replicate the actions of the Amerifags.

we built a rocket?

Wallace did it.

the greatest British inventor of all time

May the Lord bless him and keep him.

freedom of speech was a mistake

Democracy was a mistake

I’m deleting this app I genuinely can’t stand y’all. I’m not even gonna try to make a point this time I’m done.


  1. Hate to see it - archive.org, archive.today

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Cuz I can’t stand you niggas

I feel that too man😔

We all hate to see it :/

Leftists ruin any society they infest. After the second world war being found to have leftist sympathies should earn a person the death penalty.

God banned from r/Europe for calling out the mods after they deleted a post about the vandalization

Got banned for suggesting nuking the USA I bet half the "Europeans" are Americans larping

We would unironically get the malvinas back now, because its racist to take stuff from blacks you know

He chemically castrated a man for being gay



Seriously. Things are ass backwards these days.

Considering the fact that the British did nothing but surrender when attacked by the Japs, maybe you should draw a pussy and tits on the dog on the left.

All it takes is two generation of brainswashing. To one generation you tell them they need immigrants for the economy. To the second generation you tell them they must repay for what they acestors did and that oppoising immigration is racist

Fitting legacy for that sloppy sunken shill.

The British now

“Jailed for hate speech”

Rule britannia 😂😭

A recent yougov poll showed that only 5% of people in Britain think negatively of Churchill, I wonder how many of them are actually British?

i surrender to bussy


Churchill being one of my favourite ww2 figures it’s sad seeing people who don’t know history misinterpret it

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I don't give a shit if he was racist or not. But he did indirectly cause the death of millions in the Bengal famine.

But he also did allegedly say "why hasn't Gandhi died yet?" as a response to food being scarce in India lmao. Kinda based tho.

Meh true, also was a blood thirsty mf. But he’s based for not leaving France in the trenches and pretty much buying enough time for the states and Russia to jump in. Nobody is perfect but it’s odd that they’re specifically targeting him

Yeah but I hate how they're not even targeting him for that famine thing. Only cus he was racist.

Well newsflash assholes, almost everyone was some kind of a racist back then. You just know of these few people cus their opinions were a lot more known cus of their popularity. Even Gandhi was racist lol. I mean there isn't much else to say.

Only difference is that Gandhi's statue was taken down in a uni in Africa whereas Winston's got vandalized in his own damn country lol. It's a part of history and shouldn't be messed with, whether you like it or not.

You’ve changed my opinion.. thanks.

You're repeating another le Reddit history meme. Churchill was not directly or indireclty responsible for the famine.

The famine was largely a result of a century + of British imperial policy that pushed the production of cash crops > local food agriculture, combined with the Japanese who curtailed grain shipments and destroyed food stores throughout Asia. Japan is largely to blame, but the British set the stage, NOT Churchill specifically.

Churchill had no responsibility for the legacy of imperial agriculture changes in India, and in fact tried to get grain into the region while PM but was unable to do so. There was a fucking World War going on, after all. He even wrote to Roosevelt about the famine, trying to get American aid.

Churchill has the status of being a British icon, and a couple of times he said some racist shit about Indians, so naturally he was targeted by a few Indian journalists/ post-colonial "studies" "experts." Most of their claims don't hold up.

Naturally, the lie about his responsibility for the Bengal famine has been shitposted so much by soydittors that people take it for fact, even pseudo-rightoids apparently.

I mean people blame Stalin for the starvation of millions of people in the ussr. Even if the people were outside present day Russia. I'm sure Stalin had some valid reasons too.

Not comparing, just trying to explain that you could have valid reasons and still be responsible for the loss of life. It was under British control, that automatically makes it Britain's responsibility to feed the people. Maybe he was not fit to be a PM if he couldn't handle every single British territory. Who knows? Maybe there was a better PM out there who actually could've won the war with minimal loss of life in Bengal.

A retard could tell that it was not direct, but it sure as hell was indirect. If an employee fucks up big time it's the boss who's blamed for it first. It might not be how you like it but that's how the world works.

Yeah, like I said before, the blame goes to Britain, NOT the dude who happened to be PM at the time of the famine during fucking WWII. Churchill wasn't responsible for the 200 years of imperial policy that led to the Bengal famine. I mean did you even read what I wrote?

Stalin personally implemented malicious policies against the Kulaks that triggered the Ukranian famine, obviously climate etc. had a lot to do with it to, but then the Soviets also intentionally held grain from people and provided no aid (not out of inability to do so, but sheer ideology). Not really comparable.

You can definitely identify specific MPs or British Viceroys of India who had direct roles in creating famines through implementation of agricultural policy. Again, Churchill inherited this system. Churchill was an open imperialist, and could have spoken out or said more, but he really was in no position to lessen the famine to any extent during his time as PM.

Again, he's just a convenient scapegoat for Indian nationalists. It's easier for the average person to believe "CHURCHILL = BAD," then for them to understand "a dozen decades of agricultural policy implemented by the British governors of India, combined with demographic explosions brought about by industrialization in addition to a fungal-brown spot outbreak that followed a record monsoon in 1942, coupled with Japanese disruptions in Asian trade during the largest war in human history" led to the Bengal Famine of 1943.

If a CEO inherits a company, which had shit policies for years, and when he makes it to the top he finds that funds had been embezzled by the last guy, market price was inflated etc. it likely isn't his fault if the company collapses.

It really isn't his fault, but he's the one who gets blamed. The CEO I mean. The thing is the CEO in your example didn't know the inner workings of the company. In case of Churchill, he obviously knew what a shitshow he was getting himself into. He wasn't forced to take the position of PM. It's not like he didn't know about the war when he became PM. He didn't HAPPEN to be the PM during ww2. He CHOSE to be one. 1939 war declared. 1940 he became one. Although you could say that he wasn't aware of the magnitude of the situation in the coming years and that's a fair point supporting him.

As I said, if you can't handle stuff just don't take the responsibility of it. There could've been someone who did all that without losing so many lives, while still winning ww2.

Not really comparable

Nigga I literally said that I'm not comparing. I even used the exact word. I can't even lmao. I mean did you even read what I wrote?

I was staying Stalin as an independent example. Obviously Churchill is way better than Stalin. And yes, I'm talking about the climate part of Stalin's starvation thing. That's still blamed on him even though he technically couldn't do anything. Those deaths are added to the tally of his atrocities.

I never said Churchill is overall bad. You do know that we can criticize someone for things while still thinking that they played an important role in doing something good right? You're probably a centrist. I'm one too and I kinda got an idea by the way you state your opinions lol. You should be one of the few people to understand this then lol.

This is a very civil discussion for this subreddit and I hate that. So fuck you.

Imagine simping for some dead bong. The absolute state of fugees.

Eternal Angl* deserved it for bombing the fuck out of German cities with civilian populations and help with the brainwashing of Germans.

Churchill was pretty insane though


Churchill was racist 😡 < Churchill was racist 😊

Hey more shit-tier imagine posting of a stale meme and no drama thank you MDEfugees for being complete duds at posting.

As a indian he was racist for real

You’re Indian? I’m so sorry.