Glad CNN is taking a proactive stance on white racism.

250  2020-06-09 by SeveredBrainStem


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Don't let your kids notice things

"How The Visual Cortex Is An Alt-Right Trick"

Basic pattern recognition is a tactic of far right extremists.

The 3rd time 9 year old Tyrone chimps out in 1st grade and throws a chair at the teacher they all start to see a pattern so let's make sure to suppress any deductive reasoning.

9 year old Tyrone in 1st grade

My fucking sides


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What do they mean by white children need to turn off their natural instinct for classification ?

Like they shouldn't pay attention to who in particular is harming them ? Imagine telling to your child that aknowleding stuffs is racist.


Get those last name suffixes out of the old noggin





liberals somehow turn marxist research even more racist than it originally was

Brought to you by the same "news" network that doxxed a 15 year old boy


There was a program on recently that showed what it was like in a 5 year olds classroom. It showed sweet interactions such as making friends and also social experiments that were set up. Genuinely, the white children were very polite to each other and got on well.

However for the sake of diversity, every class had a handful of coloured children. Every time they were the nastiest, unbelivilbley rude and disruptive for the whole class. The good thing is that everyone was sick of their shit and instantly isolated them.

It is no wonder that children think this way. They have to deal with diversity every day, while being told how great it is. That's alot to deal with when your little.

Yes, racism originates from my race.

Trust your gut bros

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Glad CNN is taking a proactive stan... -,

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That tweet managed to piss off both leftists and conservatives. So much denial...

Tyrone stole my bike again, but I'm sure he needed it more so the total happiness in the world increased. 🤡 👌


You heard it here first, folks. Racism is unnatural

you were born evil whitey.

you mean people have a natural inclination to tribalism?

Nah it's simpler than that. They have a natural instinct to protect themselves and avoid danger

fair enough


Or I can just move my kids out of their neighborhood





Read it again. They're saying only white people are racist by default.

actually man it's worse than that

they're saying it's a natural human instinct, but only white people gotta take care of it.