So where are we going when this sub inevitably gets banned?

13  2020-06-09 by GuysLetsBeNice



Zwei Drama I guess. I'm banned on regular Drama for shitposting about Pizzagate and SRD banned me for wrongthink.

fat rubbery black cock in my mouth

Why does it have to be rubbery

my place

Anyone have older accounts on ruqqus or saidit? My new account can't make "subreddits" yet

is voat not good? has 50x the userbase of those

edit: actually ruqqus is pretty big. weird, never heard of it before now

Voat is full of extreme rightoid retards

Last time I checked they had stopped allowing you to make subverses. That's the only problem with voat that I see. It would be ideal tho, since we could troll the ever living fuck out of real live Qtards.

I will definitely move to Voat if mods do something about it


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. So where are we going when this sub... -,

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