BLM leader does an AMA. Deuxchad shows up to ask questions.

600  2020-06-09 by xingxhang


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That AMA is a complete shitshow lmao

1.Refuses to answer where those million upon millions of $ donations go to, finally gives in and tries to give a vague answer that pretty much says "We take the money to expand our organisation and pay ourselves to preach the same shit we do now and for our personal expenses" nothing about investing it for betterment of the black community.

2.When asked about the looting they said "violations of property should never be equated with violations of human life." which pretty much translates to "I don't care, looting is not like killing therefore its a-ok to do it".

3.Acts as if the anti-semitism within the group doesn't exist event tho there's tons of proof that it exists.

4.Unironically believes that too much police on the street is the reason why the crime rate is so high within the black community and not the other way around lmao.

5.A ton of retarded claims that have no backing and look like they were copy-pasted from the same websites that claim that the ancient greeks were actually black and that they invented stargates and left.

Lmao don't worry about the money...

Awareness raised✔

Also in that AMA there's an asian guy who is on the fence about BLM due to black people being racist towards asians. Why is that guy not acknowledging how racist asians are to blacks? 🤔

Whats the difference between racism between blacks on asians and vice versa?

Asians are better at hiding it and with asians there's also a cultural factor.

So whats the examples of asians being racist vs blacks?

Asians are a high IQ introverted society

They avoid black people and generally look at them with disgust (in their home countries). There is a large cultural component of shaming those who associate with black culture in general as well. They avoid physical confrontation because they’re smart like that. You’ll also note they avoid bitching and complaining in general, as saving up money and keeping your mouth shut is the only method in all of human history that has ever seen “oppressed” demographics enter mainstream society successfully.

They avoid black people

Always a good plan

Will this be the upvote that earns me my first "stop upvoting toxic posts" warning? Let's find out.

Damn those slant eyes being racist towards black by avoiding them and looking at them with disgust.

I went to school with a bunch of overachieving Chinese Americans. The “avoids physical confrontations” thing is true, but the thing is, it leads to a strange bottling up of anger / insecurity about their masculinity. Sometimes the bottle shatters from the pressure. This one extremely dorky pasty Asian kid randomly shoved me out of nowhere once because I took his pencil. I don’t think it’s healthy.

Guys gotta get into fights at least once or twice. Men don't need to believe they're Bruce Lee or something but they need to know they can fight if push comes to shove. Otherwise like you said it builds up and becomes unhealthy. Preferably in high school so no jail time.

Yeah one or two fights during your adolescence would be fine. That policy would probably stop school shootings altogether.

The only presidential candidate I’ll vote for is one who advocates State mandated pubescent age boys fights

I wouldn't mind being taken over by Asian or Muslim overlords then

You can google this.

But this headline should say it all

Also darker skinned is viewed as inferior in Asian countries eg Japanese and Chinese view the Thai people as jungle asians.

And the whole LA riots

Rioters targeted stores owned by Koreans and other ethnic Asians, reflecting tensions between them and the African-American communities. Many of the disturbances were concentrated in South Central Los Angeles, where the population was majority African-American and Hispanic.

So asians view blacks as inferior and blacks burn down asian stores, very equivalent


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Yes I never said one was worse. I said one was less talked about. Which do you think that is? You seem kinda mad about this buddy what's wrong? Did you come here and get offended by something?

Here's a hint. It's the one you didn't even know existed.

Asians have a reason to hate them

I guess that depends. You would have to do a sociology paper on power structures between blacks and Asians to find out who is allowed to be racist to who.



1 is brilliant

Like that white aussie that ran the biggest blm facebook site and made thousands in donations before people realized the ruse


Point 4 is correct tho. Can't be convicted of a crime if you're never caught, in turn it won't show up in the statistics.

Funny thing is blacks are less likely to report a crime so the black crime rate is actually worse

Nonfalsifiable claim.


>implying they own property

Their Jordan collections?

The ones they looted last week you mean?


Nice username, friendo

The AMA was actually a whitepill. Even plebbitors can see through a lot of this BS.

.Refuses to answer where those million upon millions of $ donations go to,

if you go to the website, and click 'donate', it auto redirects you to actblue. actblue are one of the advertisers behind the current joe biden campaign, and are very similar to shareblue, who used to (might still do) astroturf reddit with political spam

its billions uponnbillions actually (BoA donated $1billion.) and its going to ActBlue... Im not joking a

BLM is owned by a Jewish man. What did you expect?

That guy got banned.

Worth it tbh.

Imagine being banned for asking a question based on FBI statistics.
I mean it happened dozens of time to me, but to me it's only censorship to avoid the majority to aknowledge this fact.

This is why support for this movement does not go past their condolences for a life lost. Anything past that and everyone rolls their eyes.

All of my friends and family do not see BLM as a legitimate organization. Except for one very progressive member of my family.

Can you provide a source for this statistic?

Yes, here was my main account banned dozens of time

No. I’m asking about the FBI statistics of 13% and 50%

Look at murders. Theres other interesting stuffs like rapes and robberies.

The 13% comes from this:

Ok, but that’s not 50% of all crimes though or even all violent crimes.

True its only right about murders.
I did some stats after that.
So keep in mind it's only 13,4% of us population (probably less if you dont count youngs and old)

Murders: 53,07%

Rapes: 29,08%

Robberry: 54,49%

Agravated assault: 33,29%

Burglary: 29,14%

Total of violent crimes : 37,50%

Murders actually make up a very small portion of crimes compared to others. There are only about 16k per year. If you want to see all violent crimes, that stat is here in table 12 page 12. Reports that actually 21.7% of violent crimes are committed by black offenders.

If im reading correctly it's because page 12 is an estimate and not hard numbers

Also, to be fair, the data you have is on arrests for murder.

2018 is the most recent complete data from the FBI. This is the homicide data

You can see that 38.7% of homicide offenders are black. However, 29.5% are of “unknown” race.

I agree with you. Even though it's possibly less than 50% for murders, and less than 50% for other things like rapes, don't you think it's still problematic number for such minority ?
I mean everyone agree with this, that's why I would get banned for posting those stats somewhere else.

I think it’s a problematic number in general. I’ve seen stats that the US has more violent crimes per capita than many other first world nations and more people in prison overall. That’s everybody’s problem IMO. We could all do better for our communities.

True, but no its not a problem as a whole. Avoiding the problem because you believe it will make you look as a racist in the eyes of a few is what is going wrong. Because you fear to be called a racist so you refuse to aknowledge what is very obvious: very few people ruin it for everyone. Even the not totally accurate stats you provided show it.

Maybe if an hispanic guy and not a white guys explains it again with the same crime statistics you'll realize that black do commit much more crimes per capita and arent even vicitim of police brutality r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/gzhx64/-/ftgiu7s

I mean, it's so obvious that it has to be censored and refered as a "white supremacist" meme. Do you know why they do that ? To have people like you, regular folks like i was, disgusted by real racists, to refuse to even look at it. Hey, after all they told me its a white supremacists thing, and as Hitler was one too, it must be a Hitler kinda of thing. And you never look at it. Until one day you find a sub, hopefully not banned yet because of irony, and you realize that it was actually true. It started like that for me, once you realize that almost everything labelled white supremacist has a big part of truth, you start to really wonder why no one else realize it. After a while you understand, most people fear to be called racists if they aknowledge it.

I never said there’s not evidence to support that black people commit more crimes per capita, especially depending on the type of crime. That’s not a racist statement. It is just what can be seen in the data collected.

Still, crime is everyone’s problem and that whole issue needs attention to reduce crime by everyone. We can do better as a nation.

But, what do you mean “they aren’t even victims of police brutality”? Pretty much everyone on earth has seen the Floyd clip. People of all races experience police brutality. You don’t have to die for it to be police brutality.

Also, tons of “unpopular truths” are gathered by various groups to promote their views. It doesn’t mean everything that group says is a fact.

Anyone rational should encourage open discussion (with other rational people at least lol) to hash these things out and gain understanding. Reddit is moderated by a bunch of random users. So, it doesn’t take much to be blocked depending on the subreddit.

Glad to met a redditor able to discuss clamly.
I mean they arent victims of police brutality more than an other race, when taken into account their crime statistics.
Agreed about the unpopular truth though. Thats why i prefer to look at them by myself to be sure of what im talking about.
Im all for open discussion as you seem to be. Censorship is the weapon of the weak. And power mods are a huge problem. In case you are interested about those issues i could advise you to look at r/watchredsitdie r/the_cabal r/declineintocensorship

Went out like a true king

It was a completely legitimate question too


u/G37R3K7 you dropped this 👑

Pour one out for him.

you know the jannie wanted to remove the post also but couldn't because it was one she responded to.


I never understood poverty = crime in America. America has plenty of welfare systems in place. The only reason you would need to resort to crime is if you are spending above your means on frivolous things.

Reminder that black people are 2.05 times more likely to be poor than whites, but over 6.9 times more likely to be arrested for homicide.

Reminder that blacks kill whites at a rate 12.47 times the rate whites kill blacks per capita. No joke. Do the math yourself and check me.


Interracial homicide 2017

US Population Demographics 2000-2018

FBI Arrest Statistics 2017

Don't wealthy blacks commit more murders than poor whites? If poverty = crime, how does it account for this..

I'm not sure. I'll tell you what I am sure about though. I haven't gotten through anywhere near all of the data yet, and the number of discrepancies that blow the currently lefty narrative out of the water are absurd.

We are being lied to en masse

Daily reminder that during the Great Depression, crime rates decreased in most major cities. Poverty does not cause crime, they're just correlated for obvious reasons.

Crime causes poverty

Having a low IQ and an inability to delay gratification makes one both more likely to be poor and commit crimes.

Why not link the AMA you screen-posting fugee?

I don't want heat on this sub from reddit jannies. Allah knows there's enough already with MDEtards in here with us. Also I've been here since Cassanova started flexing his Russian wife nigga.

Yeah thats fugee age lmao

Lol fair enough I can accept that. Just don't group me with the MDEfugees.


109 subs and counting... this will for sure be 110 based on the content I've seen the last week

That's exactly when I subbed, and I'm definitely a dramafugee

She can’t be his wife in the eyes of god.

First, his skin colour is wrong because his soul is tainted by a minion of Satan. Second, as a prostitute she consummated a marriage with a different man long ago, and divorce is not real.

NAACP is just one big grift, and it's pretty obvious if you look into their history they've literally done nothing cor anybody.

But I am glad they exist, because I can say 'colored people' without feeling guilty

throw more money at them lmao

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. BLM leader does an AMA. Deuxchad sh... -,

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1.9k based brothers upvoted the mad lad

Soldiers of Allah 🙌🙌

How does "over policing" even exist? Just stop committing so much crime, why wouldn't they send more police to a place where more crime happens.

"We commit more crimes because there are more cops in our neighborhood."

"There are more cops in our neighborhood because we commit more crimes."

Imagine the Olympic gold level mental gymnastics it would take to make yourself believe the first one.

Even if the first was true, doesn’t it still mean that they still do the crimes they’re arrested for?

I also hate how they move goalposts by saying shit like blacks are arrested more frequently for small shit like weed when the discussion is violent crimes homicides.

No matter how biased the statistics might be, a dead body is not something you can ignore or over report. It's not like cops are ignoring piles of bodies stacking up in white suburbia to make blacks look bad...

this guy asked for an f in the chat on r/politicalcompassmemes

Why do they think they can just hide publicly available data by banning people who talk about it?

'We need education'

Billions of dollars have been thrown at the problem, with miserable results.

Finally. I’ve been saying this. They’re getting millions upon millions from Hollywood virtue signalers. Not a peep about how it’s spent and continues to just have a bare bone website with the occasional tweet

Honestly, respect that she even answered

God i hate blacks.

Ohhhh, they commit so much crime because they don’t have enough art classes 😂😂

Epic gamer

Peak delusion.



How about defunding the fucking military instead? Look up how much money goes into that industry. If schools could get half the budget the military does they would improve drastically and probably get kids out of the streets

We spend more moeny per student than any other country in the world. Its about culture, not money.

No they wouldn't. Baltimore students get almost the highest amount of money per pupil, yet out of 13 schools in the area not ONE STUDENT was "proficient in math." It's about ethnicity, culture, and poverty. Pouring more money in won't do anything.

the students absolutely do not get that money lmao

It’s real neocon to say it, but the we “need” that billion trillion zillion dollar military, because if America ever decides to defund it even a little, China will swoop in and become the world superpower.

Now what we could do is STOP FUCKING GIVING ISRAEL MONEY AND SUPPORT and then maybe our fucking military spending bill would be less.


RIP brapbarn 😢

Gifts to our greatest ally is usually about 50 billion a year which is pretty small compared to the military budget which is about 1 trillion

More money = better results!

The issue is that teachers get shit education, never get fired, and parents don't have free ability to choose where to send their kids. Fix that, it will be cheaper than it is now even. No more 150k a year for a tenured prek marxist.

I'm open for suggestions and you're right the education system in the US is fucking trash but with the current state of the US I don't believe any of that will get done anytime soon

Let's stop givin Israel 3 billion $ per year then

Whoa buddy cool it with the anti-semitism. Israel needs more military aid. Send in the USS Liberty.

Israel needs aid because those dollars directly translate to bombing Muslims, and that's a good thing for the entire planet.

Lmao only burgers would downboat this

No wonder America is where it is when its populace is so retarded


No, use the military more. Wars are good jobs programs.