
1799  2020-06-09 by AgreeableKoala0


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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fellas, I gotta be real with youse right quick. i- i, well... i just fucking hate troids okay? get over it

stunning and brave

We're here, we're anti-queer, get used to it.

I wish there were political gatherings where they had the balls to say that.

r/offmychest r/mademesmile

r/eyebleach r/sounding


I just looked at that and it is literally the worst fucking subreddit I have ever seen. What the fuck

Pfft tbh some of y'all ain't never been to gore/shock websites way way wayyy too young due to lack of parental supervision and it shows 😤💅🏿



I’m literally shaking


nice to meet you Ms. Rowling.

J. K. Rowling actually feels empathetic towards trans people, she is not even a real TERF.

b-b-but everyone who disagrees with our ideology is an evil terf fascist bigot

I'm sure they would even call me a terf facist

A real TERF would have just tweeted 40%.

The Tiger of Damascus yields to nobody

Tiger of Damascus

Yes, mukhabarat? This man right here. Off to Sednaya with him

I feel like a BLM supporting mayo whose store was burnt. Wtf, Bashar? Were you the Mossad all along?



I too secretly enjoy the wizarding world of Harry potter

Haha read another book.

I fucking love troids, and this subreddit just makes me love them more.

How about trans who is transphobic? 😳 ultra based

You mean the 40%?

this was genuinely funny

No it wasn’t.

ok sorry

It’s 50% now

those are rookie numbers

100% of hitlers hated hitler enough to kill hitler

The whirr of the surgical blades is merely a prelude to the requiem of troons.

They're so trans phobic that they're responsible for 40% of trans deaths.


Based 😍

pm bussy or gtfo



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get this man some bussy

femboys > troids

Barely correct but still correct

Yes 😏

Of course

I am transphobic.

You are scared of dudes who take estrogen and mutilate their dicks?

Afraid of finding one in his hair or a nest of them under the floorboards

Or hanging from the ceiling.

No, not really afraid of that.


a nest of them under the floorboards

are you implying systematically murdering homeless trans individuals and burying them under the floor boards? thats outrageous

Afraid of accident where you bang a trans in the bussy because when you hang out she says I'm on period, only ass. But as Muslim I have a shield against this because anal is put the same as being gay, no matter if you bang genuine chick ass or trans ass or whatever.

I’m very transphobic also, how are you?

How could you say something so brave and not be banned by spez

It's not brave to tell your ignorant stupid opinion in an echo-chamber sub, where most other autists think the same. It's only brave to tell your disagreement with the majority here.

we told this in other subreddits too and we were banned bruh

gtfo fugee

I'm against the banning just because y'all white supremacist opinions are so stupid that we normal people could laugh at it, and realize you're really not a threat, just a joke. I mean just look at r/ShitNeoConsSay the amount of super retarded views they say there per comment makes me want to become a leftist sometimes, they're just so laughably ridiculous.


Opinion denied


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Lol we’re white supremacists for not believing in white privilege?

Nice try tankie fire up the rape limo yet? Or is that just in your dreams?

Hi collectjism haven't seen you around for a while. Also if you don't want to be called white supremacist maybe stop reading books from known white supremacists Marx and Engels, and start reading books written by PoC bodies, comrade.

White supremacist is the ones with white privilege like you who are probably a Jew. How can a vast majority of homeless men be white if they are the supremacy?

We live in a jewish supremacist world.

Whites are no different from Jews anyways.

look at the schnoz on that one

So then your advocating as Hitler did then? The world is run by a jewish supremacy that must be stamped out to provide a future for our children?

Nah, it isn't really run by a supremacy. There isn't any kind of deep state and shit, it's run by the people who are actually visible, the politicans who actually run the goverment, and by the rich people who have the biggest visible influence, the biggest companies the biggest houses and by the narrative people know and follow. Power is visible, because that's the only way it can get stronger, because being so visibly influential that it forces people to kneel before it.

because being so visibly influential that it forces people to kneel before it.

Ok so it’s a black supremacy then? Like how you kneel to your kangz?

You're clever I thought you wouldn't catch the secret message in my sperg post. Good job, comrade.

Edit: Still not a supremacy tho.

Nigga shut the fuck up and post them toes okay?

I'll post it if you venmo me 5 dollars.

What do fuck do I look like? Your local synagogue?

Donate to your local sex worker, I need to pay my bills too.

All I've got is 5 Chuck-e-Cheese tokens from my latest catch, will that suffice?

Nah, I want real money.

2 shekels

Then I guess anti-semitism under the current paradigm is just "cracka on cracka" crime and its legitimacy thrown out the door just like "anti-white racism."

Post Wikipedia early life

books written by PoC

what do you mean

Y'allposters read the sign

Believe or not I was a liberal too until white people were told they should be ashamed because of their skin color

White-guilt is my sexual fetish tho, it's not bad. But yeah all races should be equal and stop blaming each other, and forcing others to be ashamed of their own color. Race-blindness would be the ideal.

Howdy partner 🤠 y’all seen my horse?

Based magyarcel baiting the rightoids


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This but unironically

idn, you gotta be pretty brave to cut your own dick off

I think you'll find that they are much more scared of me.

The biggest threat to trans people is literally themselves

Wait till you guys hear about everyone I hate. I’m VERY brave.

Excuse me sir you dropped this 👑


This but unironically

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. 😤 - archive.org, archive.today

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The bot has spoken.

not only that but they are also more interesting

why are you afraid of trannies? are you afraid of hitting on a girl and seeing a BBC attached to her in bed?? are you afraid you might get cucked when your imaginary girlfriend goes to girls bathroom and gets gangbanged by trannies?

Why would someone be afraid of a lizard or a cockroach?

and seeing a BBC attached to her in bed??

i mean if 'she' isnt black, thered be a lot of questions right?

There are trans men with penis implants and they are heckin valid

this is unironically true

I'm coming out as trans.

Transphobic I mean.

In some circles it's true. When you teach college kids, you can be trans and not lose your job. Now let it be known you don't think wearing a dress and a wig makes a man a woman and see what happens.

Um hello... Based department

I'm afraid of transgenders

I'm afraid of the world

I'm afraid I can't help it

I'm afraid I can't

transtranstranstranstranstranstranstrans hahahahahahahahahahaha


we’re horror wind

transtranstranstranstranstranstranstrans trans trans trans trans transtrans trans

Johnny's in Equestria

Johnny wants a vag, Johnny wants to suck on a cock

Johnny wants a man, Johnny likes to think of a jock

Johnny's in Equestria

where did you come from, where did you go?

did you know david bowie once called mtv and asked why there werent any trans music videos

I believe every word you just said, because it’s exactly what i wanted to hear.

Braver than the troops even. Now👏🏿 that's 👏🏿bravery👏🏿

Anyone who's scared of a faggot in a dress isn't brave.

Transphobia pride parade when 😳

crossdressing fembois >>>>> troids

and dats motherfucking TEA

This subs political opinions are very confusing at times.

I’m brave. Just like Harry Potter


Transphobe pride world wide ✊✊

Yeah I don’t like being called homophobic,

But whenever someone calls me transphobic I’m like ‘fuck yeah I am’

Out and about 🥰

Big facts.

In today’s American society. That’s pretty ballsy

true, get doxxed on twitter for saying you're transphobic.

say you're trans and ppl start saying "wow! you're so valid and cute uwu"

Reading this thread and realizing how stupid all y'all transphobes are, made me like trans people even more, so thanks I guess.

Stop bullying us. We were born transphobic and can’t change it chud

Nah, transphobes deserve to be bullied until they accept the bussy.


So you like me? I'm a femboy.

As long as your racist

I'm racist against whites.

Why? Are you white?

Us transphobes get so much hate :(

transphobes are the most oppressed minority

You're not a true ally unless you cut your dick off in solidarity with them


Based and magapilled !

MAGA more like FAGA lmao

post bussy