Daniel Radcliffe on J.K. Rowling Tweets: ‘Transgender Women Are Women’

10  2020-06-09 by JanjaKa


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Many “Harry Potter” fans also expressed anguish that Rowling had damaged, perhaps irreparably, their love for the seven books.

God I hope so. Maybe theyll stop comparing everything to it then.

All art is political, bigot.

Post-Potter Irrelevancy Syndrome (PPIS), Emma Watson has it bad too (only the ginger cunt seems to have escaped with a degree of normalcy)

I feel bad for these guys. They were huge from their childhood through their adolescence and now have to cope with irrelevance for the rest of their lives. Pretty sure the girl became a coke head and sucked Harvey's hermaphrodite balls to stay relevant.

I don't think so, Radcliff has done a lot of things after HP. He built his fame as a child/teen actor, now he's building it again as a versatile actor who isn't afraid to step out of his comfort zone

TeamHarry #DanielStansUnite

He's currently starring on an FX tv show, he's not doing too well

Sorry, too busy downloading the first season to care about your stupid opinion 😒

You’re a woman Harry

J.K. Rowling is ltierally Voldemort


male = sperm

female = eggs

stop rewriting biology


Lol wtf

Girls who do porn -- but don't do anal-- are NOT "pornstars".

If you do porn and have have vanilla sex on camera for money, you're just a regular chick whose sex videos are on the internet.

I'm so sorry that I hold the title of "pornstar" to a modicum of professionalism.

If I predict the weather for the next week and upload it to YouTube that doesn't make me a fuckin' meteorologist.


  1. Daniel Radcliffe on J.K. Rowling Tw... - archive.org, archive.today*

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