Anarchists forget their morals to arm themselves with guns and walls

27  2020-06-09 by Swagbag6969


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Antifa set up barricades to create a border.

Open the borders, racists

Who’s ready for Zoomer Waco?

if daddy doesnt nuke these people im going to be upset

Anarchists not against weapons dummy

Tfw not in America to declare civil war on Antifa-state and shoot numales

Why even live?

The sub consists of various irony posters: "dirtbag leftists" (stupidpol), third-positionists (consumeproduct), and of course deuxrama whose posters are on an indeterminate number of levels of irony.


  1. Anarchists forget their morals to a... -,*

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