Yes but gentleman his slaves only consisted of Albanians and Jews. Surly we can overlook such minor things.

243  2020-06-09 by Legio-SiciliaII


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posting more proof righties should love muzzies to own the libs

I unironically like Islam. I'm a Protestant Christian and I'm more compatible with Islam than Catholicism.

I'm more compatible with Islam than Catholicism.

As a Catholic I couldn't agree more. Congratulations on your false religion, whichever one you choose (for purely aesthetic reasons I'm sure)

Bro Catholicism is just Jesus with dlcs

God: Have no other gods before me.

Catholicism: What about an 85-year old Argentinan dude who was elected by a bunch of geriatric Italian pedophiles?

God: Sure, why not lmao.

Idolatry too. And calling other men father. Lots more nonsense as well. I’m convinced 90% of Catholics have never actually opened a bible and read from it, only been told excerpts by their church daddies.

My biggest problem with Catholic doctrine is the Confessions. The Bible makes it very clear that prayer is literally you communicating with God (Jeremiah 29:12) and talks extensively about how important having a personal relationship with God is (Matthew 6:6) and yet the Catholic Church insists that the only way to confess your sins is to have a Catholic Priest act as an arbiter. There are half a dozen Bible verses that directly contradict this claim.

Congrats on Catholicism! Praying to Mary (May Allah be pleased with her) and such and not following scripture. I can’t wait till the muzzies wipe out you dogs, strike first please

this is a sacrilege, pray your rosary you bigot 😤

As you know, Muslims don't make statues or depictions of the last prophet (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ).

It’s Prophet Muhammad (saw) cousin

(Most) Shia aren’t against drawing Muhammad which is why most of the pictures of him are in a Persian art style

Volume 3, Book 46, Number 694 :Narrated by Abu Dhar

I asked the Prophet, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and to fight for His Cause." I then asked, "What is the best kind of manumission (of slaves)?" He replied, "The manumission of the most expensive slave and the most beloved by his master." I said, "If I cannot afford to do that?" He said, "Help the weak or do good for a person who cannot work for himself." I said, "If I cannot do that?" He said, "Refrain from harming others for this will be regarded as a charitable deed for your own good."

Volume 3, Book 46, Number 693 :Narrated by Abu Huraira

The Prophet said, "Whoever frees a Muslim slave, Allah will save all the parts of his body from the (Hell) Fire as he has freed the body-parts of the slave." Said bin Marjana said that he narrated that Hadith to 'Ali bin Al-Husain and he freed his slave for whom 'Abdullah bin Ja'far had offered him ten thousand Dirhams or one-thousand Dinars.

I have just converted to Islam and freed all my slaves. Thank you brother.

Brithogs mad

He would buy slaves and free them, but okay. Slavery was part of every culture, and Muslims enslaved Europeans or other Arabs, same way with Europeans enslaving other Europeans. Yet we don't hear Arabs or Europeans bitching about slavery (outside of the Greeks of course)

Wow now you’re getting it. That’s exactly my point. Slavery is in everyone’s past yet only a certain group of people and their white liberal enablers can’t seem to move on. This whole post is too call out the hypocrisy of leftist. It’s not a an attack on your precious prophet. His slaves were the least “problematic” thing about him.

Arab slave trade ten to twenty times bigger than Atlantic slave trade. They castrated their slaves hence no lives left to matter.

Again didn't have to do with race and of course they had more slaves from the regions that were directly next to them. The Turks had plenty of Greek and Polish slaves the Arabs had plenty of African slaves because Europeans couldn't get to Africa during this time period because of Idk the massive fucking empire between them and Africa?

Some people are just naturally servile and live best as slaves tb quite h.

Like most r/DeuxRAMA posters.

Most dexurama posters are slaves to bussy.

Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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This better not awaken anything in me.


  1. Yes but gentleman his slaves only c... -,

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If you cancel the prophet Mohammed (pbuh) we will wash out this insult with the blood of the kuffir.