worker bees are the ultimate simp they spend their whole life donating pollen for the queen bee that probably doesn't even acknowledge their existence(she's literally their queen) and ensure their queen's children and larvae remain safe at all times. all while having 0 chance as they are literally being unable to reproduce these people donating $100 a month to pokimane are nothing compared to the omegasimp known as the worker bee
1 the_marx 2020-06-09
Black Lives Matter
3 canucks0202 2020-06-09
Shut up faggot. No one asked for your opinion
10 Albatros_D_III 2020-06-09
Is this the final form of the deuxchad? 🤔
8 yocrappacrappa 2020-06-09
This is but the first. You cannot comprehend the final form
3 SnapshillBot 2020-06-09
worker bees are the ultimate simp they spend their whole life donating pollen for the queen bee that probably doesn't even acknowledge their existence(she's literally their queen) and ensure their queen's children and larvae remain safe at all times. all while having 0 chance as they are literally being unable to reproduce these people donating $100 a month to pokimane are nothing compared to the omegasimp known as the worker bee
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2 AutoModerator 2020-06-09
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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-7 Redactor0 2020-06-09
This was like 4 fucking days ago. Are you retards really this easily amused?
11 brunudumal 2020-06-09