Chicago Police ask the mayor for help cause a wave of murders is approaching, "it's too late to save this". Mayor replies lmao I don't care

139  2020-06-09 by TotalBasturd


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Say what you want about them but lolberts are 100% right when they say the government won't save you when push comes to shove.


the lolbert -> alt-right pipeline is real

this is why lolberto delenda est

you dont go from libertarian to alt right unless you have severe autism

the only overlap is the child molestation

She'll still get reelected because Chicagoans are retarted.


no because she is a nog

So are Chicagocels.

By the time this is over everyone who can afford to leave will do so and the city will turn into a complete shithole so I expect she will be mayor for life kek.

By the time this is over everyone who can afford to leave will do so and the city will turn into a complete shithole

This cycle repeats every year. Never underestimate Chicago's ability to take on infinite debt to keep things running.

Not if we destroy her phylactery

Chicago is run by the utmost incompetent jabronis. Can't believe out of major Midwestern cities, Detroit is doing better than Chicago.

There is even a Chicago subreddit that discusses which gang killed who.

Had to say it in the whitest way possible ay?

Think Deuxcels are uncultured whiteboy?

I am a regular on /r/chicago and actually half the posts are schizo-posting about right wingers taking over the sub and Chicago being filled with nazis.

Fucking hell I love that city but I try my best to avoid it..

I'm sure they'll blame Trump for it

She already did multiple times.

Holy fuck. They're all just saying the same things. Cuck, cuck, cuck, cope, cope, cope, beta, beta, beta, cope, cope, cope. And these are the same people who'll call others NPCs. God, redditors are such an insecure, miserable bunch.


  1. Chicago Police ask the mayor for he... -,*

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The Chicago mayor looks like a reptilian that's down on his luck so it had to buy a low quality human disguise that barely hides its lizard features.

That city bankruptcy really hitting the coffers

I forgot that it's Chicago, so the mayor probably doesn't even have a personal bank account, just a key to the city vaults.

Based Nubian mayoress mashaAllah



Is that the eraserhead baby?

It’s Beetlejuice

please send help they are are burning my store and raping my wife

lmfao have sex incel

deary me


lmao deaf ass mfer

This nigga can’t hear, y’all 👂


That’s not the police you dumb fugee - that’s a bitch alderman whining like a faggot.

And this call is from Chicago's deadliest day in its history, though the mayor didn't know that yet lol

Chicago could get invaded by a foreign army at this point and no one would notice or care