Innocent black man being railroaded by the police. We cannot let this stand

103  2020-06-09 by boyoyoyoyong


The /r/DeuxRAMA moderation team is firmly anti-racist, anti-fascist, and wants to affirm that Black Lives Matter.

Freedom of speech btfo with feels and legalese.

Looting and burning = perfectly fine expressions of democracy

Putting some shoe polish on your face = hate crime

Cucknada kek

Wait he actually got charged?

Canada has some human rights commission that can fine you for being racist. Comedians have been fined like $40k for making jokes about retards.

On a separate note, I wonder if Trudeau will be charged for his blackface shenanigans

That’s dumb as hell

IRL againsthatesubreddits

Yes, but he will be fine (ignoring the financial loss if he has a prolonged case), almost certainly. They charged him with disturbing the peace or some nonsense—groundless if you go over the law on it—for which there is relevant court precedent strongly in his favour.

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