Das Rite

36  2020-06-10 by dux3627272


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Imagine your entire self worth being tied to the size of your pork sword.

Tiny penis cope lmao


Seriously. Look at the feminine hips on that mayo. Hard times indeed.

muh diq

Shrimpcel cope

People forget that all classical art depicted twinkle and/or femboys. White people being masculine is a pretty new thing

white people being masculine

Lmaoooo 😂😂😂

It’s so new that it hasn’t even happened yet

Look at that MF lips and nose lmao

Bix mood mufugga

You don’t break down my similes you fucker. I’m better than you in every way imaginable anyway. The tone you use in your comments is pathetic. It must be quite a touching moment of respite when you reach 100 percent method acting and if just for a moment, truly feel like you’ve accomplished anything of importance in your life. Before reality hits you like a wave of emotions and you realize you’ll never amount to anything more than defending nazis on the internet. I feel sorry for you. By the way OP said he wanted to eat my shit so...


  1. Das Rite - archive.org, archive.today

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Delicious statue penus 🤤

I know I for one hate blacks because I'm jealous of their much larger penises. And there's nothing wrong with that, I am 100% free to have this opinion for this reason and no one can stop me.

Trans women are women

My left nut is a transwoman

What is the right nut?

Yet to be determined

Post a pic and we can have a naming ceremony

Nut said no

Ill suck your nut if you do this

Some dead account hop off my fone you f#ggot

But sucking dick isnt gay

Right nut autonomous zone


Nobody gets my sense of humour :(

unrelated to topic, reported to chadmins

enjoy your ban kiddo

And that's why we don't respect them.


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Where did this originate?

The black one is a representation of the statues in Emancipation Park called Redemption Song. The Mayo is a statue of David by Michelangelo.

Whites literally admitted to having tiny ass penises, then when it became uncool they was like "uhhhhhh i was just joking haha i have BWC uwu" like bruh haha thats like lol
