
1338  2020-06-10 by CultistHeadpiece


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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The girl on the left is clearly mixed race, cmon guys stop it with the racism

Susan Obama

Did that girl just do blackface?

Well it's only half so I'll let it slide. Can't say the same for Twitter when they find out about this



Obviously she's just working on her Star trek cosplay.

Omg. The makeup in that guys eyes..he is sweaty and looks soooo uncomfortable.

Face makeup in old sci fi shit was always like that, every painted facial orfice looked inflamed. Grotesque and goofy at the same time.

She's not American. A lot of countries outside the US don't equate such makeup with blackface, as long as it's not part of a racial stereotype.

Now, now, we can't have nuance, can we?

Nuance makes the world more complicated, and living in a complicated world would be terrible.

worker bees are the ultimate simp they spend their whole life donating pollen for the queen bee that probably doesn't even acknowledge their existence(she's literally their queen) and ensure their queen's children and larvae remain safe at all times. all while having 0 chance as they are literally being unable to reproduce these people donating $100 a month to pokimane are nothing compared to the omegasimp known as the worker bee


  1. 👨🏿‍🦲 - archive.org, archive.today

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Did this person not understand that workers are female?

Well tbf sex workers are female, it's pretty much the only place they really shine.

"Unf yeah cum in my big pussy daddy! ... ... That'll be $10."

Yeah, the only male bees out there are drone bees, who only live to mate with the queen and die because their penises are designed to explode when they're done

Story of my life. 😔

state of sub circa 2020

All worker bees are sterile females known as drones. Same goes with ants. They aren’t simping for pussy, they are putting their lives on the line for the betterment of the hive/colony.

lmao dumb bitches

Drones are the males.

You’re right - thank you. The basic gyst still stands that the females don’t simp for the queen.

Eww🤢🤢🤢 white women

The "nobody:" part is redundant. Fucking cringe zoomer memes.


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fuck off zoomer-bot

add pelosi

Redheads aren't human, so does the one on the left count as blackface?

Buster Keaton in Neighbors on the left there.

r/comedyhomicide You didn't need the "nobody".

i’m just reposting.

Also, it’s r/uselessnobody

It's both, r/comedyhomicide is when the joke is funny, but something is added which makes the joke not funny

Also, why are you reposting?

Here's a sneak peek of /r/comedyhomicide using the top posts of all time!

#1: Lemme add a fucking cartoon around it | 371 comments
#2: Outstanding move | 189 comments
#3: Ah yes, Facebook memes | 102 comments

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White women? You mean mayo femoids?

Suffer no thot to live

fake eyebrows and they're still wack

I've yet to meet a white woman that has her own mind.


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The woman on the right is clearly not white though 🤨

you mean 5 seconds


The girl on the left is doing it for her theme song


Her leather black jeans on

Is that half blackface? what the fuck

Haha she even drew on her eyebrows. I can never be female but atleast i have nice eyebrows i don't need to fill in with black felt tip