It was a good run, lads: "Little Britain removed from BBC iPlayer, Netflix and BritBox due to use of blackface"

290  2020-06-10 by PM_ME_UR_RARE_PUPPER


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I'm surprised they took this long, tbh. Among their sketches:

Insane and unconvincing transgender Emily Howard

Red-pilled on Der Coomer

The most incriminating

The most incriminating

Doesn't seem like understanding of comedy to be honest, if it was against black people they wouldn't be the only reasonable and level headed characters in the sketch

It's taking the piss out of racist people who think they aren't because they have black friends

Find me one comic of any race other than white that doesn't use race in their act, attacking a sketch making fun of white people's ignorance because it's white people talking about race is hypocritical

Red-pilled on Der Coomer

This sketch also makes out the white people to be ignorant idiots

Insane and unconvincing transgender Emily Howard

This is the only one we can make a case for because it clearly shows the trans person as the target of ridicule

People have been attacking comedy flippantly for years and it will get laughed out because it's a coward move to attack a comedian who lazily exaggerates for the clear purpose of a joke, rather than take on more serious instances of it actual racist abuse that is harder to take down, if you're gonna waste your time going after a comedy show years after it comes out, at least make an actual effort

I wrote "most incriminating" because the sketch mocks those who fetishise black people and cringily try to ingratiate themselves with them.

So why is that the most incriminating?

Because white liberals might see themselves in it.

maybe the point of the sketch is specifically to make fun of those who would see themselves in it

That makes no sense, just cringe to be honest

The sketch takes the piss out of these people... Who you're now also taking the piss out of, so you just agreed with accidentally agreed with little Britain while trying to attack little Britain??

Whatever trevor if you wanna help racism do something actually meaningful because complaining about how old comedy may/may not be interpreted is so soft you could be on a toilet paper ad... And ironically exactly what a "white liberal" would do

I’m not sure I follow, do you mean potentially incriminating for the viewer?

Are you Autisming on expert mode?

Are you always a cunt or just today?

So you're flame broiled angry whopper on the Burger King Asperger's scale. Got it

Always then. Got it

I got to agree with the ‘most incriminating’ I thought it was absolutely ripping it out of white people who try to fit in with black people.

I’ve seen this behaviour first hand and it is cringe.

In my group of friends a handful of them are black, we all hang around in combinations of the same group of people. This brings us into association with other groups of people who are on the outer circle of friends you could say.

In my area there honestly isn’t many black people about on the drinking scene. Here’s a few examples of some of the cringiest shit these idiot outer circle people do to ‘accommodate’ these black people.

One over the course of an evening kept referring to my best friend as ‘nigger’ like he had just watched don’t be a menace. It was awkward as fuck and after an hour or so my mate ended up threatening to beat him up.

We were all drinking cans of red stripe and another outer circle instead of just handing a beer to my friend had to for some reason mention that he doesn’t have any Hennessy for him to drink unfortunately he’s just run out. It came out of no where and was just fucking silly.

I came into a party full of very what we’d call politically correct people, very liberal. I came with my best mate who’s black and two of his friends also black who i knew but not very well. I swear to god one of them sees them sitting down on the sofa and says ‘ah I see the brothers have arrived’ everyone went quiet and upon realising how awkward it was starring apologising profusely. Because of the combination of cocaine and alcohol then ends up crying at how racist that was. Making a big scene when everyone was over it lol.

There’s more but the little Britain thing just made me laugh more than anything.

The joke is that the white person is making an ass of himself so I dont really see how its "incriminating"

its 2020 and we are burning books nazi style

or if you prefer the ministry of truth has decided this is objectionable material and will hurt our efforts with the war against East Asia.


Right? I'm here from the trending section, never seen the show but his examples posted are obviously taking jabs at specifc types of white people and how they behave around others. None of this is negatively impacting blacks.

Though I didn't laugh uncontrollably I gave a few nose puffs of humor.

The joke is in the white person, for being out of touch. If you can't tell that idk what to say. When did people become so overly sensitive?

I wrote that it's incriminating because the censors are likely to be white liberals who see themselves in it.

Spot on bro my b

Is British humor just dry? It just seems like they’re playing one joke over and over again “look my black friend. Want some chicken and peas. Oh look more of my black friends, hope they like reggae”. Or the transgender episode where he just keeps saying “I’m a lady” or “look at my lady purse which means I’m a lady”. How is it funny?

Humor is subjective dude idk what you want from me. I dont think things should be banned because they became less funny or more offensive.

You can ban it if you want, but that only means the people who want it will get it by pirating it. It's pretty pointless, and erasing history is an ass-backwards way of making progress.

You’re not erasing history though. It’s not like they’re burning every trace. HBO removed it, Netflix removes shows all the time yet it’s not “removing history” because you can buy it or pirate it.

Humor is subjective but when you’re humor is just making fun of transgender people the way they did and cranking a stereotype to 11 is really unfunny. Those seem to be the problematic episodes and even the creator had problems of how they portrayed mentally handicapped (never seen an episode) or how he treated transgender people. Idk why they removed the whole series.

Yeah that's a good point, they could have just axed those episodes from the service. Guess they thought it wouldn't be good enough and people would still be mad.

Yeah HBO is just scared and would rather axe a show then add disclaimers or just remove problematic episodes.

sending porno to Africa


I thought Little Britain was some mr Bean type shit

Oh no, mildly offensive humor from ages ago isn't 100% pure by today's standards. Fucking stupid they are removing it from streaming services, it changes literally nothing except people will have to pirate it now

I think they’ve done the same with come fly with me because a white guy was painted brown and acted Muslim, it’s a shame both are hilarious shows

What a day to be alive, any show that could he considered mildly offensive is being removed. What are we gonna be left?

RuPaul's Drag Race.

Lmao yep

I’m brown/Muslim and though taj was hilarious.. shame people have took offence

Four lions will be next

If people come for Chris Morris I’m gonna flip

Don’t worry they’ll be coming for your books soon 🔥

Already have, havnt they? There's the whole J.K Rowling Twitter drama that happened just cause people want something to complain about

No it will go further than that

I've gotta go watch The IT Crowd again lol, a man wore lipstick for one episode so I assume those morons will cry that it's transphobic

No actually, that’s okay, the emasculation of men will always be encouraged

This woke shit is going to ruin television

Already has let's be real

This is so pathetic. I hate how everything nowadays has to be “woke” I don’t see why people get so distressed over blackface anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️

Your privilege is showing

Person on tv wear paint decades ago 😤😤😤😤

I agree with him and I’m black. Little Britain is meant to be offensive

Your dullness is showing

"i don't see why people get so distressed over blackface" hella privileged or ignorant take your pick

I honestly don’t see the problem with black face in that context. They weren’t attacking people of colour, it was just a character. Stop acting like anyone who doesn’t share your opinion is privileged and ignorant and get a fucking life

Lol I’ve met people like this, in real life. They truly never measure up in anything they do. They can’t maintain eye contact, they don’t ever really accomplish anything, this is his only outlet because he’s too spineless, weak, and awkward to do anything else. He goes from sub to sub crying about some kind of criminal high fantasy as if anyone would ever notice him in real life. Someone’s probably bullying him as we speak lmao.


  1. It was a good run, lads: "Little Br... -,*

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Yeah, I know.

they removed Come Fly With Me as well, even though it had a character made exclusively to mock racist bongs and immigration control as a whole

Wow. How unbelievably ridiculous. And yet and the same time, how painfully predictable considering the shitstorm that we’re currently experiencing.

How exactly is doing shit like this going to help anything? How is removing access to a hilarious comedy tv series just because it has “blackface” going to make anyone take the BLM movement more seriously? Because I can guarantee that all it’ll do is piss people off.

Oh wait, of course, I forgot. The people making these decisions can neither understand comedy, nor do they have any backbone, nor any semblance of common sense. They’re cowardly, stupid and this is downright pathetic.

That’s such a shame. I binged all of this last Christmas. Always gold

People need to take a joke

What about Psychoville? Man I loved that show And I love little written as well as come fly with me amazing shows!

Maybe people only recently realized this show exists, because it's full of stuff that would immediately get someone CANCELLED for the rest of their life. I thought it had already been wiped out for not being woke enough. I fucking hate this stuff so much. It's a comedy sketch show. Context should matter.

Do people not understand what satire is



I wonder how long come fly with me will be on these then

Putting on darker pigment on your face is not offensive when you are portraying a character. This blackface thing is imbecilic.

This 'sanitisation' effort of retroactively removing everything that is offensive to today's soy based standards is plain puncture of our collective wit.

Surely you must not know the history of black face the way you're dismissing it. Dont act like it wasnt something that demeans blacks. There can be edgy comedy without flat out offensive depictions of blacks I mean is it that hard to find someone that isnt white to play someone of color ffs.

But sometimes it shines a light on racism, allows people to laugh at it. The fat fighters lady is case in point. She refuses to hear any of the perfectly understandable words of the lady of Indian descent because she is prejudiced. They are making fun of ridiculously prejudiced people, what could be wrong about that?

im a proud pirate arrrrrrrr

Wonder what will happen to that film where Robert Downey jr was in blackface the whole time

Understandable but shame - it’s a great show.

So I assume for the same reasonings the film White Chicks will be banned and removed from streaming services and not shown on TV 🤷‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


As a black dude I wasn’t offended by anything in little Britain, loved watching it as a kid as did the rest of my family. I hate woke culture, this is so fucking stupid.

Nah man white dudes are going to rescue you and tell you, a black man what you have to be offended by. Malcolm X was fuckin right


It’s alright. I’ll just get a torrent of it.

This is stupid if you get easily offended don’t watch offensive shows. It’s obviously a joke the show isn’t racist, congrats to the protesters who are ruining tv. Now the only way to watch it is on YouTube for like 5 quid an episode, or on the fucking black market. This is just ridiculous.

Edit: An now come fly with me has gone. At this rate they will be banning bloody horrid Henry

It's aged horribly and I can't stand to look at it (not from an offensive point of view, just the humour is a bit stale) but I wouldn't lie that I enjoyed it back then. This is fucking ridiculous it's been removed. They made fun of everyone.

A real shame. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

it's interesting because this is a sketch show,where 2 comedians play the main characters within the sketches they create. In sketches where there are other characters that aren't the main, they don't black face,as they being in actors to play the roles. They aren't deleting black actors,they just aren't black for those core characters. It's important those characters are black because they mostly are about racism.

Is it weird to anyone else that certain threads in this subreddit are 100% larping and other threads are 100% genuine comments?

Anyway, people won’t magically stop enjoying humor that others deem as offensive. When this wave passes I hope there’s an equal and opposite pushback

Use of blackface, and also because it was shit.