Music theory jannies mad that their populace is against their own ethnic cleansing.

36  2020-06-10 by TotallynotBobSaget


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The irony of "Shut Down Academia to end racism" is fucking gold. It's right there, in their face, and they don't see it.

Of all the agenda-driven ‘drama’ on this gay site, this grinds my gears the most

If they want to study african music, what's stopping them?

Yikes. Lets unpack this, we should strive for equality in music and remove all the racist scales like the problematic Double Harmonic scale since it's clearly culturally appropriating the Arabic scale.

Kek, musicbros aren't having any of it.

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Look up Susan McClary Beethoven 9. It’s hilarious. I had a class with her at Case Western. “Feminist musicologist”