Have Redditors gotten exponentially more retarded over the last 3 months?

564  2020-06-10 by D_Legare

I can't even shitpost anymore without people upvoting me.

I post "Biden 2020" in threads that have nothing to with politics and have people supporting me. Everytime someone calls me out on anything, whatsoever, I just call them an incel or Trumper and they get mercilessly attacked.

I called Bernie Sanders a white supremacist. Got upvoted.

I said that black men who vote for Trump are white supremacists in a local subreddit. Got upvoted.

I called someone a white supremacist and a racist sympathizer because he said he missed his dead dad. Got upvoted.

In a brief moment of seething over rampant stupidity, I made the mistake of serious posting and argued that drug addiction exists outside of the US, and therefore medicare for all wouldn't end drug addiction in the US. I was obliterated shortly after.

In response to an upvoted leftoid comment, I called him a Trump supporting homophobic incel because he used the word "ammosexual." Within an hour he was downvoted to oblivion and accused of being a rightoid.

A redditor suggested that the US should have civil war so we can finally eliminate rightoids. With some research I found out he was a New Zealander. In a completely obvious 200 IQ shitpost, I accused him of being an Islamophobe and being a British imperialist on the merit of his white existence. Within minutes he was being covered in shit, piss and cum as more redditors swarmed to accuse him of racism against minorities.

Nothing on this site makes any fucking sense anymore. Everyone on it is a fucking idiotic baboon. I make myself seethe from my own shitposts and then seethe harder when they get upvoted.


WORDS WORDS WORDS dude bussy lmao


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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It's not just reddit, it's the whole left wing in real life. Reddit is just a reflection of their truest selves.

Not necessarily. There’s reasonable evidence to suggest that the last month or so has been an extremely effective and prepared astroturfing campaign. The problem is that a lot of people just follow the mob and it’s likely still real retards upvoting OP’s larping. I’m holding out hope that most people are mindless consumers that follow the mob. But if they’re legitimately welcoming radical ideas because it’s “trendy” then I guess that invalidates my main point

reasonable evidence

I am prepared to go down this rabbit hole. Where do I start?

There’s a lot to unpack here. To be clear, do not believe tinfoil hat conspiracy theories because “it’s so wacky it must be true”. Gather as many diverse sources as possible and then come to your own conclusions.

I mentioned that this was prepared. I believe these happen in waves and the first wave was attempting to make the more Right leaning ideologues look dumb and emotional, evidenced by https://reddit.com/r/MassMove/comments/g3toiz/a_post_by_udr_midnight_collating_information_on/

That one wasn’t specific to reddit, but it demonstrates a theme of astroturfing both sides of the political spectrum. That was one component of a much larger campaign. I consider the next way to be a shift from trying to do what they did to the Right, to the Left, which we’re all witnessing now https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchRedditDie/comments/gzp89t/is_anybody_going_to_talk_about_rahss_blatent/

^ that’s a very small unpopular post that I quickly found but I’d recommend you do your own digging and not trust me. A lot of people are being successfully manipulated and it’s pretty interesting

Reddit is botted and shilled to shit in order to create as much separation as possible. Staying in small subs or just ignoring the dumb areas is the best way to deal with it.

I also uovoat retarded things I see. So sometimes people that think you're shit posts are hilarious (even if they're serious) I upvote.

I do the same on Twitter. I'll like and retweets stuff that some crazy person says, all because I think it's hilarious.

I've been doing the same longer than I can remember. Sometimes I even downvote things I agree with to add to the insanity. I'm really not sure if everyone else is just circlejerking the same way I do, but it would give me more hope if that was the case.

Sometimes I think it's the case, and it makes me think we're all just making each other more radical hahaha. The memes that are bread from the insanity are too good though. Plus, seeing people act like they do on reddit, in real life, is something to behold.

Staying in small subs or just ignoring the dumb areas is the best way to deal with it.

until outsiders discover your sub

Based. take the amusement pill.

I also uovoat retarded things I see.

That's all I upvote.

You're not funny, you're not clever, and no matter how much or how often you tell yourself otherwise, making other people angry has absolutely no value whatsoever. Even the enjoyment is fleeting; you know that. The rush you get never lasts. You spend your days being shocking for the sake of it, rolling in deeper and more wretched sewage like it's a race to the bottom of every ladder in the universe, and for what? You're not special. You're not in an exclusive club of the clued-in and the free-thinking. You are wearing a thin mask consisting of edgy memes, shock value and faux nihilism that you've convinced yourself is good enough to call a personality, that you think will cover up the nothing behind it. You're wrong. Step back, reflect, admit your faults and grow up.


  1. Have Redditors gotten exponentially... - archive.org, archive.today

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Holy shit, Snappy has transcended to a level of intellect above even the average Deuxcel

That's not a big deal, seeing as the average deuxCHAD has an IQ of less than 45.


Thanks snappy, I needed to hear this sentience.

This thing is sentient I swear to god



Janny's gonna strike you down OP

Based AI jannie

Yes. It's turning into Facebook.

Its facebook for leftist zoomers

Except for r/teenagers. That’s Facebook for leftist pedophiles.

Its a safe space where Mommy and Daddy won't see their bullshit and cut them off and take away their macbook.

Reddit’s main demographic, at least for power users, is still poorly aging millennials.

Hey that's me.

Uh 2015 called sweetie, old news 😎


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Worse, twitter

I questioned the origin of HIV and said that I thought it originated from a dude fucking a monkey in Africa on /r/ForwardsfromKlandma and was accused of being a racist and wanting to fuck monkeys.

embrace monke

Return to monke

Sex with monke

Birthed from monke

Unbirthed into monke

One with monke

It was some europoor scientists doing animal research and created the disease then le monkes escaped.

Imagine not wanting to fuck monkeys


That's the general consensus yeah. Btw go to like any sub and if it's about women being worse than men just be like yeah men sre stronger than women. Apparently they're so dumb that some of them don't believe it.

Well I do know that I've personally gotten more retarded over the last 3 months.


I wonder how many of reddit's anti-racists/"fascists" are just doing what you're doing. Maybe we're all tricking each other and this sub actually is dominated by the far-right. Maybe AHS is right

I have a dream

I have a dream

Less dreaming more bussy popping

lol gay sex

This “pretending to be gay” shit is one of the biggest astroturfing campaigns of all

Who says we’re pretending? 🤣😜

you retards are so predictable thanks for the 5 upvotes

This sub is most certainly far right. Has been for a while.

Far right? More like THASS RITE 😎

It’s typical leftist mass psychology. This has happened before. Happened in Germany in the 20s and 30s. They all go collectively psychotic and start destroying shit like a bull in a china shop. And then a reactionary movement forms in response.

Some proof mate?

Nice, any others? I bathe in the hate

I have this https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/gwtw3x/daughter_stands_up_against_racist_parents/fszyjmg/, it looks like it may have lost some popularity after I was outed for being an /r/drama-tard.

Do you practice being retarded to blend in? Convincing

Practice? No you fucking retard, I am retarded.

Sorry commie mommie!!!

Aww, that one made me sad :(

Maybe he should have checked his privilege and been born to different parents?

Based and Karmapilled 😎

Nice trolling but it was low-hanging fruit.

Biden was sort of right. The story was more complex — the interviewer brought up the race card and said Biden can’t leave to his next interview because he can’t do this to black media. He was also giving Biden a shit time essentially demanding he pick a black person for VP and speaking as if he cares for black causes. As he was saying goodbye, the interviewer was basically suggesting Biden has more questions to answer as if it’s a hard pick between trump and Biden. Biden half jokingly (after the race card was played) said “if you have trouble picking between me and (the racist who hates black people) Trump, you ain’t black”.

It was a bad joke but he’s making a good point — if you really care about black causes, you shouldn’t have trouble deciding between Trump and Biden

Kimmy J should press the red button already

This is fucking hilarious lmao. The jokes write themselves.

damn that sucks that carol baskin won in the end, i didnt even know about that

Wouldn't have happened if Bernie Sanders won in 2016.

Bro if you keep commenting like that you're gonna scramble your brains and unironically believe the shit you're saying.

Link some of your comments please, I would go through your profile but you comment more than the average leftist zoomer

Check other comments, I was very busy today redpilling redditors on the current genocide of Italian-Americans.

Yeah I didnt scroll down enough

Dude why didn't you play the anti-semitic card with the columbus statue removals?


Interesting! I'm banned for life, but you should continue pushing redpills, we can't allow this rampant anti-semitism and anti-pasti to continue!

It's less that people got dumber, and more that shills only tend to come out when they have something to shill. The other shills just assume you're one of them and it's like piranhas.

This sounds like the plot of a Family Guy episode.

Probably we all did.

You can't post all this shit without giving a single link

I make myself seethe from my own shitposts and then seethe harder when they get upvoted.

Well I can definitely think of one redditor that's gotten exponentially more retarded over the last 3 months, OP.

I feel like 2016 broke the site completely, but it had been going to shit since early 2013, imo. The retardation has certainly gone up in the last two years.

I make myself seethe from my own shitposts

levels of basedness never before encountered

It's bots. Lots of bots and dumb people. But people underestimate how many upvote bots and sub accounts are out there. You can really push a post or topic like crazy with timed upvotes and comments.


Trolling is the only worthwhile thing to do.

Good lord and i thought i was the only one. People more than ever are just shutting off their brain whenever they see something political

Racist twitter is much more fun

Charlemange did nothing wrong

It's been getting slightly more retarded every month since November 2016.

I post good intelligent based memes to r/TheRightCantMeme and I’m titling them “racist”, even when it has nothing to do with race. Gets lot of upvotes. Sometimes someone comment that the meme is actually good, even thought it was made by racist right-wingers. I just reply with the most dumb NPC arguments. They get downvoted, I get upvoted. They don’t even see they are being trolled.


Without reading more than the title: Yes.

5g wireless unlocks retard-mode in those without souls.

Post examples bruv I don’t feel like searching thru your account

I think it's just more retards using reddit now because of the lockdown

Ive shitposted similar things with similar results

Sounds like something a white supremacists nazi would say

They let sub 100 iq women and uncultured minorities on the net. Discourse is always 100x better with people who are all the same otherwise all arguments dilute into who exists more in the vicinity. I'm fairly certain reddit is less than 50% white male at this point.

what if everybody is like that on this site?


LMFAO 😂😂😂💀