Man named "Israel Burns" is arrested for threatening to burn down jewish district in NYC

143  2020-06-10 by Patjay


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Reality mimicking parody

Or maybe the )))People((( who make all the memes are right

We really do live in a retarded simulation. I'm halfway convinced that the Saturn Time Cube conspiracy is real.

Hello based department? Yes a fella need to get bailed out. Get him out asap

Get Justin Timberlake on the horn, he’ll bail this based kang out of jail.

Should've done it instead of threatening it πŸ™„πŸ™„ blacks can't even kill white people right anymore

white people


He really showed his hand changing his name there.

i am a survivor of reading this gussy nonsense


  1. Man named "Israel Burns" is arreste... -,*

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