Wow, the Left really CAN meme

287  2020-06-10 by ProEvilOperations


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Isn't this the same guy who made that comic in which he tries to hug his wife and she shrieks at him "NO! IM NOT IN THE MOOD TO BE TOUCHED BY YOU!" Then he goes and tells his son what a good husband he is for listening to his wife

his comics are extremely depressing, they're either a call for help or a huge cope

Its a huge cope.

The call for help was his hair leaving.

They are like unironic /r/marriageisbliss/

It's cope, he's a leaf high school teacher from Toronto, unsurprisingly.

Fuck i hate this city. Why is it always Toronto?


Cope harder than diamonds

Dear god these comics are depressing

"This comic could easily be an example of a dude who's just trying to prove to his son, and himself, that his marriage isn't a cold prison of one sided, unrequited affection."


Sounds about right.

All dem bitches wanna be hugged.

Cuck mayo lmao



how can you downvote your fellow deuxtards?!??/?/? frightening that some people stoop so low

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Tl dr

You heckin disrespected sex workers

Dude I am not going to read that novelette

How can you down vote twice?!

I honestly though this comic was mocking black activism, in fact, it's even a great comic if you read it that way.

Could you explain

It's a mockery of their demands and mannerisms. At panel 2 the white guy is already reaching for his wallet and pledging to help and learn, but the black guy still goes "no, you gotta listen", and that continues on for 6 more panels because that's all there is to this type of activism, no progress or actual solution, no next step, the activism is the goal in itself.

No but really, listen.

sounds like u werent listening hard enough bro

But at the same time the negro also has no goals, nor thoughts worth entertaining.

what is he even doing in his house to begin with

His wife screams when he touches her. You know why he's in his home.

😳d-do you think he watches???


This shit's gayer than GRIDS.

Were all miserable on the inside. Everything else is cope.

Based and darksoulspilled

The gayest thing ever made

just spit it out already, I still have no idea what blackie's problem is after 8 panels of words words words

Yeah this post might be interesting if it wasn't full of stupid r/drama shit, gotta make sure we call everyone -cels and -lets and call people autistic or else the drama folks won't appreciate our post!


  1. Wow, the Left really CAN meme -,

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I lived in the projects for 9 years of my life, and during that time learned just how much black people fucking loathe anyone so self entitled to assume there's someone so low as to steep to the point of being weak and pathetic like white men lmao


sheeeiiit u still listening? ight run dem shoes whyte boi.. sheeit, perfect fit, maybe crackas aint so bad after all. tell ya bitch i cain't see her tonight. peace

LunarBaboon = Moon Cricket + Baboon, lol.

beard cuck

Are rightoids serious posting about it ? Seems to me like a reasonable indicator whether a leftoid "meme" is in any way "good".

Look, I need you to listen.

I’m sad and hurting and gay and cringe

That's true man but I need you to listen.

Hey, listen to me now, that’s all I need, I need you to de-center yourself and listen.

How much you need bro

Literally, we all just need you to listen to us!