Ice Cube announces on Twitter that he is a proud Black Israelite, and the Egyptian slaves were black jews and 'white' zionists are lying about it.

40  2020-06-10 by Joe_Rogan_is_bae


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Holy fuck that was hilarious! I cannot stop laughing! Take my upvote! Take another from my second account! Hell, take a silver, why not? Scratch that, a gold! Scratch that, a platinum even! God, just come to my house and plunge your 2-incher into my gaping asshole already! You can have my wallet afterwards too! Take the credit cards too, I’ll even give you the PIN numbers! Hell, you can take the whole damn house while you’re at it! You can even have my wife and kids if you want! I’m willing to go into poverty just because your post on was that funny! I think there’s only one thing that would have made your post even funnier, though:

If it wasn’t a goddamn repost


  1. Ice Cube announces on Twitter that ... -,*

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IDK who Ice Cube is. Is there any relation to Ice-T?

Vanilla Ice's brother

They're both part of a Jewish tribe known as the Lin Kuei. The Catholic Church had all references of them expunged from the Bible.

I hope he's invested his money well because there's no way he's working after his tweets lately 😂

He's too big to cancel

They are right though. Palestinians are more ethnically Jewish than the European expats from ww2

We wuz joos