>Yfw you close down a sub dedicated to drama during a deluge of drama happenings

703  2020-06-11 by FukinSukinCukin


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Arrdrama has been concern trolled to death


Why did it private up again? Someone post gallowboob nudes and sticky them like Dr F? Or just a bunch MDEfugees shitting up the place to the point of getting sub ban?

Too many SRDines swam over and started complaining that the sub was being infiltrated by rightoids every time there was an opinion that they didn't agree with

no retard, MDEfags came over and started talking about "muh joooos" in every thread

this proves your an MDEfag

muh mdefag boogeyman

It's not a boogeyman when it's true

The fact that so many fags get defensive and absolutely seethe whenever mdefags are mentioned is proof they're here and that they've completely shat up the sub

its not a boogeyman when a pic of sam hyde was upvoted by retards to top of this sub like a day ago

yeah its really funny "he cant keep getting away with it hurr durr" for the 80th time

This but unironically.

You know why, right? Please tell me you know why.

sam hyde is a unfunny hack

Bruh just because sam hyde is a chan-tier joke doesn't mean it's proof of the rightoid MDEnace

ok fugee

It’s blatant fugee shit tbh

MDE was blasted years ago. Why does rdrama need these boogeymen that don't exist 🤔

yeah ok mdetard

Its okay they cant get you! They arent real honey.

sam hyde isnt funny ;)

I like to run my hand through my asscrack and smell afterward. I wonder if this habit is a hold over from evolving from monke

Why is it that Jews always spell it that way? It makes you very easy to spot, Shlomo.

stfu mdefag schizoid

 you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Post hog, if I'm wrong

post body :)

look at this filthy kike lmao

no, MDEfags have not ruined this place, why do you ask?

So you're saying unrestricted immigration destroys communities?

Yes? Did you think this was some kind of gotcha?

Reddit moment

Well it feels good to be on team orc for once

According to fugees, there are no fugees here.

Cope that the sub has gone to shit all because they don't wanna get on AHS watchlist 🤫

I'm also not too inclined on retard language so I don't know what an "MDEfag" is

cry more baby

Cope and Cringe

This is what real faggotry looks like.

stay mad fugee

jannies got mad they got called out


arr drama deserved to die after the 100k mark.

lol fuckin jannies.

For what? Actual drama pls

Being SRDines and power jannies

What did those clowns do this time?

They were upset that the average dramanaut trended towards thinking that turning America into the first Mad Max movie because a drug-addicted rapist was murdered by a corrupt cop was probably a bad thing. Then they started banning anyone they thought was a rightoid, then they went private.

Now we're stuck here and this sub is just weak memes and no drama.

a mere dramatard could not comprehend the mind of a deuxchad


The Road Warrior was second in the series you absolute fucking 🔯

Yes, that's why I said "the first Mad Max movie". The one where the police have been replaced by Main Force Patrol mercenaries in bright yellow cars.

Also, The Road Warrior is known as Mad Max 2 in real countries.

God, you Burgers are embarrassing.

Fuck you, no one references Mad Max 1. I know you meant Road Warrior and are now only trying to look less stupid.


Mad Max one was the best of the series. Come at me bro.

The current state of deux should answer your questions.

Cry more white boi

but fugees are funny

Faggots bailed last time when pocahontas and bernie dropped out the race. Now the sub is closed more than it's open. The left ruins everything it touches.

I mean, in a roundabout way “the left” is why drama and deux are drowning in fugees. 109 subs, but never their fault.

people used to post drama here

Tbh there’s rarely anything decent these days. Just of the same old bullshit repeated as reddit increasingly becomes a swept up safe space. You can only be interested in trannies sperging, leftoids seething, and rightoids coping so many times. What novel drama there is tends to be small and scattered thus difficult to actually happen upon while it’s still current.

Tbf, trannies sperging is always entertaining

Are you mad because op literally took a picture of you and yours?

lol u got me bro

Are you mad because he's right and you don't have an actual point?


Give it up folks, einstein over here has something to say. What's that buddy? Wha- A grammatical error?!? WHAT?!? B... Bu... That can't be possible! Surely not! A GRAMMAR MISTAKE? IN MY SIGHT?!? What a great, absolute miracle that you and your 257 IQ Brain was here to correct it! Thank you! Have my grattitude, Actually, What's your cashapp? I'd like to give you 20$... Know what? While we're at it have the keys to my car. Actually, no, scratch that. Have the keys to my house, go watch my kids grow up and fuck my wife. Also, my Paypal username and password is: Ilikesmartazzes4 and 968386329. Go have fun. Thank you for your work.


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Can snappy narrate my life please.

I want to shove my 5incher down Snappy's r/wholesome throat.

r/mademesmile r/sounding

r/humansbeingbros r/penectomy

They banned me because I hate ANTIFA.

I still don't know why they banned me.


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Can I use you as a reference as to why I'm not an MDEfugee so I can get back in?

shut up whitey

No u

They think it will protect them from getting banned lol

Drama-fugees should all be banned tbh

Hay Imm botum levt

Imagine been an unapprovedcel 😂😂😂😳😭😭😭

More action rn in TROIS anyway 💅🏿

I can’t fathom taking what time out of my day seeking jannie approval would require.

I was approved without asking. This place is just better

to: masterlawlz

approve me bottom text

regards, pony

file attachment: my_bussy.jpg

this is all it takes me, its not hard

No one cares and you aren’t funny

Jannies are literally not worth sending a message, even if they're the le funny ironic ones on drama

Imagine begging to get into a private sub lmao

Sad pepe noises

I am just as happy in this sub. they can stay private.

Look at the posts on this sub. No drama, just a bunch of screenshots and memes expect for one post about CHAZ.

The mde rapefugees lack the mental capacity and self awareness to understand if drama doesn't take measures to keep them out, they will shit up the sub just like they did with this one

Yeah but if you give jannies too much power they start acting like fags. There needs to be a grassroots effort from posters to stop acting like retards. If mods clean it up this place becomes Drama and Deux has failed.

are slash drama message:

/r/Drama supports and stands with the reddit administrators with pretty much whatever they want to do, and stands against the culture of harassment directed against the admins perpetrated by many members of the reddit populace and shitstirring meta communities on reddit.

The jannies are so scared by delicious admin cock that they close down the sub

Haha that me

Unironic cope lmao

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C.... O...O PPPP. EEEEE  
C.... O...O P.... E....