This is why reddit is the way it is

1325  2020-06-11 by [deleted]


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felt suffocating

Ayo this nigga got knelt on by Reddit lmao





he cute

I keep seeing people saying they're crying or on the verge of tears for the lamest of things, it's unfathomable to me, not only that they're moved to tears by such stupid shit, but that they feel the need to inform everyone about it. Like it's not enough that they are psychologically weak, but also attention thirsty af

lmao 2016 was already pozzed, he should've seen reddit in 2012

Imagine being nostalgic for an era of a gay internet forum.

Unidan here! Le narwhal bacons broken arms BUTTHOLE BELOW jolly rancher!

There's always been shitty retarded redditers but they were never this interested in shitting up parts of reddit that don't want then there.


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I blame their parents.

Reddit was always bad. It just became worse as time went on.

I recall legaladvice stuff where wymyn would overreact. Goes to the obgyn, his thumb briefly brushed her clit hood while performing the checkup. Make a joke about "everything looks good down here!"

So she felt so small, so helpless, couldn't sleep, betrayed, work and family are suffering blah blah.

I wish I had a specific example handy but it was a while ago

I wish I had a specific example handy but it was a while ago

That's ok hun, we believe you 🙄

early internet would have killed them, hell even early xbox chat would have pushed them over the edge.

This is the kinder gentler internet now.

Instead of getting used to the internet, retarded zoomers get offended by it and try to change it. The ABSOLUTE state of zoomers

I has been here since 2011 (I know) and it honestly feel like a completly different site wearing reddit's skin.

Even in the very beginning reddit was a left wing shithole, it just wasn't nearly as bad as it is now.

Sure, but american leftwingism in the late 00s and early 10s were different than it is now. I actually wrote a comment about it. It was way more relgious focussed as the problem until it shifted to racism being the problem:

In the 10s the focus was on religion--especially on white american conservatives living in the bible belt who held America, and therefore the world back from some secular utopia by voting in Republicans. I'm not even American, but got swept up in it as an edgy teenager, I was not the worst atheist keyboard warrior, but I did my part.

The problem (for the Democrats), of course, being that anti-religiousness can be used against other groups that the Democrats see as their own. So that perception of religion being the root of all evil had to be changed to something else, something more useful.

Scoot Alexander points it out better than I could:



My solution to both these questions is: New Atheism was a failed hamartiology.

“Hamartiology” is a subfield of theology dealing with the study of sin, in particular, how sin enters the universe. Orthodox Christian hamartiology says we all have original sin because Adam and Eve ate the apple. Gnostic hamartiologies say we sin because we are ignorant of our true nature as celestial beings. Some heretical hamartiologies say that all of this is irrelevant, and we sin because we choose to.


And New Atheism had an answer (to 'sin'): religion.

That was it. It was beautiful, it was simple, it was perfect. We were the “reality-based community”. They were ignoring Reason and basing all of their opinions on three thousand year old fairy-tales because people told them they would burn in Hell forever if they didn’t. There was nothing confusing or unsettling at all about the situation, and we did not need to question any of our own beliefs. It was just that some people had been brainwashed by their church/mosque/synagogue to believe transparently wrong things, so they did. Sin began with the apple tree in Eden; conservatism began with the Bible in Jerusalem. Language separates us from the apes; not being blinded by religion separates us from the Republicans.

This was a socially momentous proposal. The Democratic Party is centuries old, but the Blue Tribe – the Democratic Party as a social phenomenon with strong demographic and ideological implications – can be said to have started in 2004.

As it took its first baby steps, the Blue Tribe started asking itself “Who am I? What defines me?”, trying to figure out how it conceived of itself. New Atheism had an answer – “You are the people who aren’t blinded by fundamentalism” – and for a while the tribe toyed with accepting it. During the Bush administration, with all its struggles over Radical Islam and Intelligent Design and Faith-Based Charity, this seemed like it might be a reasonable answer. The atheist movement and the network of journalists/academics/pundits/operatives who made up the tribe’s core started drifting closer together.

Gradually the Blue Tribe got a little bit more self-awareness and realized this was not a great idea. Their coalition contained too many Catholic Latinos, too many Muslim Arabs, too many Baptist African-Americans. Remember that in 2008, “what if all the Hispanic people end up going Republican?” was considered a major and plausible concern. It became somewhat less amenable to New Atheism’s answer to its identity question – but absent a better one, the New Atheists continued to wield some social power.

Betweem 2008 and 2016, two things happened. First, Barack Obama replaced George W. Bush as president. Second, Ferguson. The Blue Tribe kept posing its same identity question: “Who am I? What defines me?”, and now Black Lives Matter gave them an answer they liked better “You are the people who aren’t blinded by sexism and racism.”

Again, it was beautiful, simple, and perfect. We were “the reality-based community”. They were ignoring Reason and basing all of their opinions on blind hatred and prejudice. There was nothing confusing or unsettling at all about the situation, and we did not need to question any of our own beliefs. It was just that some people had been brainwashed by white supremacy and an all-consuming desire to protect their own privilege, and so they did. Sin began with the apple tree in Eden; conservativism began with the cotton plant in Jamestown. Language separates us from the apes; not being blinded by bigotry separates us from the Republicans.

To this day, I swear that the Faces of Atheism meme and subsequent reaction from /r/circlejerk was a weirdly and hilariously momentous event. It capture exactly what is talked about here. It was like the death knell of atheism as a central tenant for left wing politics on reddit. That happened in 2012 and I don't think the atheism subreddit ever recovered.


It is.

This is a new account after my 4 year main was preemptively banned from over 30 subs... for "wrongthink"

and i got banned from r/izlam (some good brozzers in there) for taking the irony a bit too far lol

This site was murdered in 2016. Act/shareBlue are the culprits, and you're right, they're wearing its corpse like nothings changed

Even in 2012, while it still big brothers today's reddit, it had a reputation of being for losers.


We already know He’s getting pegged

Not even. It's to trans girls pretending they're lesbian.

Imagine being so desperate for a girl that you become one, and then date another man who also became one.

That's what 95% of them already do, no one wants half women

Anime pillow girl with fleshlight attachment.

2016 reddit was too much for this guy? Seriously? The site was already completely neutered by then. The actually edgy subreddits were banned so long ago.

The loss of FatPeopleHate was the point the damage was irreversible.

Let me hate people for poor life choices. Thyroid conditions are the minority.

The loss of r/coontown spelled doom for this site

r/CringeAnarchy was the final nail in the coffin

We lost another great one in r/milliondollarextreme

We can't even have r/waterniggas anymore. It was just memes about hydration with an edgy name.

Ahhh I remember the days

remember what they took from you

CringeAnarchy and MDE were still around in 2016, coontown was banned though

r/jailbait being nuked triggered my Xanax addiction

You can still check it out in archive

Thought those were gone. I didn't join until afterwards but I'm curious just how borderline the posts were. Did people overreact to tame photos, or was it "ok yeah, that'll put you on a list"

Some are still avaible but you can't expand the images, most of them looked like 20

So like regular coomer porn, it's a 26-year-old brunette labeled "blonde teen"?

Yesss I feel like that was the tipping point of Reddit censorship. Pretty sure I deleted my og account shortly after then because it clearly signaled woke doxing would be tolerated.


9 year old account

Hello fellow old guard 😎

I wonder if most people with newer accounts just post on alts to dodge bans.

Reporting in

Bunch of fucking faggots


My pronouns are: bun/bun/bunself

No pastry jokes pls.

Baked and Breadpilled.

But they are bunny

Also that is very bread of you to limit my jokes

Bun bun ching

Bussy?... Bussy

Early & often

This is the “””””””man””””””” who calls you an incel and a radical Zionist

wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL DEUXCEL?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started posting on r/DeuxRAMA. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.


  1. This is why reddit is the way it is -,

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Why is this bot so epic


How are you more pathetic than an attack helicopter joke? Why would anyone date your weakass and somehow be the male dominant

"Girlfriend" sounds better than "mom".

When if ever will a pushback begin? In all possible meanings of the phrase I sincerely believe we are living in a clown world. I feel like no one can ever be bothered to do anything because they are so bogged down with the mundane shit they do in their life, I also type this as I'm about to hit 86 slayer on runescape

The momentum has already shifted, Reddit is becoming tumblr 2.0. 5 years from now, all forms of bullying as well as pornography will we wiped from this website, and it will be nothing but commie propaganda.

thinking these coomers will want porn to be gone

You not remember how butthurt Tublr got about porn being banned?

thinking the people on that site have any influence over their admin's decisions

Bitch, the only reason why site admins bend the knee to the woke crowd is because it gives them an excuse to excercise their janitorial powers.

They owe no loyalty to the left, that's why it took so little pressure from right wing Karens for them to ban porn.

They banned it because child porn was rampant lmao, jannies on here were probably the ones wanking to it anywho.

If child porn was the problem they wouldn't have sold Tumblr to WordPress, they'd have sold it PornHub as soon as they came forward with the offer, since Pornhub has access to the FBI's database and actually can set up a proper system to detect CP and report it to the authorities.

Either that, or they'd have kept the site and put up a better report & moderation system to detect the stuff instead of banning all porn entirely - like, I dunno, literally ever other site out there.

CP wasn't the reason why they banned porn, it was the excuse.

Why would coomers want porn gone then?🤔🤔🤔

All the left knows is division. Once all the conservatives leave, they will tear themselves apart in purity tests.

Hence r/politics, r/enlightenedcentrism, r/AnyLeftistSub

And there’s still porn on tumblr, which I don’t understand.

Did they reverse that decision or just not enforce it, or what?

They just don’t give a shit.

Imagine thinking they'll get rid of porn lol

That's what people on tumblr thought.

social media sites don’t have “pushbacks” they just slowly die until a new one arrives.

this is like asking when digg, tumblr, or facebook will have “le epik boogaloo”

lmao I can’t believe this same site just a few years ago was treating ron paul like the messiah and now they want him and his son to be murdered.

the great tumblr invasion after they banned nsfw stuff was an irreversible cataclysm and the barbarians have already infiltrated the roman gates.

Reddit has been shit way before the tumblr exodus, it went to shut around the 2016 us elections

There will never be a pushback because pushing requires effort and reddit isn't worth the effort.

Also risk of cardiovascular arrest.

Also the (((((admins))))) will suppress it.

You only use three parentheses when talking about the Jews, four when talking about the Lizard People and five when talking about Dom DeLuise.

That damn dirty Dom.

(((((he))))) couldn't make it even with Burt Reynold's help

People are already making new sites. Reddit will die in a few years.

Imo it's in a death spiral already.


Lmao these people should be thrown in jail

I was way younger 4 years ago.

I can bet that this creature is either getting cucked or in a 'polyamourous relationship'. What a colossal soyboy.

I miss bigoted reddit :(


I wanna see this guy visit /pol/ once

can we get a petition for it?

This must be the micro-dick who made r/OneJoke




Whoever this guy's caretaker is must be fucking fired for letting their patient use the Internet unsupervised

Wh*toids 🤮

When does the "third world lifestyle" ever get denigrated on Reddit? Everyone's already covered the other stuff but what is this boy talking about? Did he just make this up so he had more to say was wrong with the platform?

Reddit's based to soy pipe line is real.

Lmao. And those bitchboys weren't here 10 years ago when people made jokes about used up gussy feeling like sticking your dick in "warm pasta". Thing is, that statement back then wasn't meant to be offensive or provocative, it was just talk, a statement of facts. Also people unironically obsessed with weed and atheists. Hell, reddit's candidate of choice back in 2012 was Ron Fucking Paul. People loved freedom and political zealotry was looked down upon.

This is what they took from you.

How he have girlfriend

I bet it's a girlfriend (male)

Soy Lives Matter!

Imagine flying a helicopter over this dude's cuckshed

He'd be on the ground having a episode, desprately clinging to his Funko pops, frantically drafting up a post about his PTSD resurging

the existence of subs that contained jokes that upset me was sufficating

These people think the world revolves around them, and that everything must be tailored to their tastes. Sure they could unsub or filter things they don't like (like the site was designed around) but if they don't like it, you can't either.

And I remember how delightfully based Reddit was in 2016

“Genders are infinite” 🏳️‍🌈💅🏿☺️


Fuck my arse already kunt ... You already fucked me all the other ways

I identify as a minority and I want some denigration to feel suffocated about. Give it to me! 😡

Let me tell you something real quick.

Let’s take a moment to talk about the “I sexually identify as an attack helicopter” meme, what it says about those who use it, and some useful ways of responding.

For those unfamiliar with the genre, it derives from a 4chan copypasta story satirizing someone coming to grips with their gender identity. A guy dreams he’s a helicopter and announces his friends are “heliophobic” if they don’t call him “Apache” and let him kill people. Since its arrival in 2014 or so, it’s become a shorthand way of mocking and dismissing any kind of gender or sexual identity conversation. Mention trans issues and DudeBro rolls into your mentions: “Oh yeah? Well I identify as an attack copter!” What’s most interesting is they really seem to think they’ve found the ultimate reductio ad absurdum. “If some dude can decide he’s a lady, I can decide I’m an attack copter, case closed, crack open the lulz!” Put aside for a moment that these folks are admitting they consider “man” and “woman” to be as different as “human being” and “helicopter.” That they consider “wanting to use a restroom” equivalent to “the desire to murder with impunity.” What’s really going on is that they are blind to or deliberately ignoring how people experience identity and transition. They see the whole thing as simple playacting — and forcing others to play along because “political correctness.” That distinction is important because no-one who posts that meme actually feels that they are an attack helicopter. They just think it’s hilarious because they can use the magic words that marginalized groups do, and demand people “play along.” Now, I’m not advocating this, but the simplest, most effective response I have found is simple: Take them seriously. Not in a joking way, not with sarcasm. Rather, I treat them as if their words have real meaning. “I’m glad you’ve been able to figure that out. Is your family supportive?” “Has it been difficult at work?” “Boy, I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with shitty responses.” “You know, war may be the job you are given, but it doesn’t have to define you.” I’ve also brought up the problem of cultural appropriation inherent in the use of “Apache” as a shorthand for “Attack helicopter,” given the US military’s history with Native Americans. Identity is complicated. Now, this can be exhausting and time consuming and I absolutely say that anyone who just wants to block and go on with life when bro posts that shit is totally justified. It is no one’s responsibility to play this game. But I have seen some interesting things come out of it on occasion. Sometimes, the poster (or guy at the bar or whatever) admits he just thought it was funny and didn’t mean it to be so serious. More often, they keep up the “game” until admitting, no, it’s just hilarious anyone would take “that shit” seriously. “Oh…” I say. “So you haven’t actually dealt with identity issues? You’re just making fun of people who have?” Very occasionally, the person in question sobers up. In playacting as a person whose gender and sexual identity is dismissed—and being taken seriously long enough to have a conversation about it—they begin thinking about… the struggles of someone whose gender and sexual identity is dismissed. Occasionally, they even have the decency to look a little embarrassed. Again, I don’t want to suggest that it is some kind of “CHECKMATE, LULZ!” finishing move, or that the “good” response to meme-dickery is spending huge amounts of time trying to coax an epiphany out of an internet shitlord. But for me, it’s helped to move beyond my frustration at the engineered callousness of the meme itself. Rather than arguing about why their claim is “invalid” and “just a dumb joke,” it’s a practiced act of kindness. And that — when I’ve got the patience for it — is something I know I need more of.

That distinction is important because no-one who posts that meme actually feels that they are an attack helicopter

My fucking sides, thank you for the pasta

It's funny though also is there a long post bot here

Pretty please shut the fuck up.

Ok retard

That's a very ableist and destructive word. Literally violence. I demand reparations.

I can spare some KFC bro

I agree to your terms. Just know that in 4 years I will be back asking for more of that sweet sweet KFC

They see the whole thing as simple playacting — and forcing others to play along because “political correctness.”

Yes, that's literally it

This faggot should have gotten beaten by his parents

Vividly remembering shit is gay

I just roll my eyes at that.

You need better material, cis moids.


Obvious psyop shit. Typical weak content that pervades this sub these days. Go back to carrying the torch in the oppression Olympics for people with tiny dicks, deuxrama

Haha based I mean