So the "guy" whose lunch was taken by hobos is the son of a /pol/ boomer

510  2020-06-11 by brackenz


Trans women are women


You have been banned from rebbit

Transwomen are men !! ❤️🌈

trans women aren’t women: broke

Trans women are women: woke

Trans women are a gross mix that cant be considered either seriously: bespoke

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Don't care jannie


to be a woman you need to atleast be human



All trans people are women.


Trans women are men


Seahorses are horses

even if it's fake, someone out there is the dad and it's sad as fuck

He saw this faggot "therapist" for awhile

Why do therapists always push the narrative about being transgender when you clearly have other problems?

A lot of trannies seek out therapists who would be more likely to diagnose them as trannies.

They have tutorials on discord on how to get a diagnosis, what things to say aswell. Therapists are good for talking if that's what you want but if you weren't diagnosed by a psychiatrist your diagnosis doesn't mean shit.

Because they aren't going for therapy, they're going for a diagnosis, and if a therapist won't they'll go elsewhere until they find one who will.

Happy gay day!

To be fair it's not like mental health "experts" are in anyway equipped to actually perform therapy or evaluate the psychological state of a person. They are trained to look out for certain symptoms and fix unwanted behaviour, they are not psychoanalysts.

therapists aren't able to diagnose and prescribe shit, that's what a psychiatrist is for.


Almost all "therapists" are far left and have been since this pseudoscience has been invented.

lol have you ever been to a therapist? Only a handful of them are retarded enough to push tranny bs, but most won't talk about it unless you insist

Did I say they all push tranny bs? The basis of therapy are in a blank slate theory of the mind and a view of past trauma as the root of psychological disorders, both leftist bs.

I agree that the blank slate theory is dumb but you honestly don't believe trauma can leave lasting effects on someone?

Sure, trauma can lead to PTSD but not to the kind of stuff that psychologists since Freud tried to blame childhood events and other life history problems for. For example at some point autism was blamed on cold mothers.

The more we know the more we realize that most psychological disorders are innate, with a few exceptions like PTSD and mass hysteria, but this realization comes against both talk therapy bs and blank statism.

Freud might not be the best example since his stuff has been discredited academically a while ago. It's mostly bored upper middle class people that still take his stuff seriously.

Most fields have to start somewhere and a lot of the early stuff is bullshit or bad quality but that doesn't necessarily discredit the entire field.

How innate disorders are is difficult to know, like on reddit people will say that depressed people have lower levels of serotonin or whatever and thus they argue it's all biological and can only be fixed by pills. What they forget is that our biology can be influenced by our psychology, if you sit on your ass all day doing nothing why wouldn't you have lower levels of happiness chemicals? You could just as well argue that that is leftist bullshit that takes away all personal responsibility.

There's definitely a lot of bullshit in the field of psychology and it's always influenced by the morals or worldview of the time but things like talk therapy do show statistically significant effects. I also don't know what hypothetical perfect system we would replace it, some fields are just messy and difficult because we don't know enough yet or because humans themselves have biases that seep into their work.

It's not only Freud, all big therapeutical theories, including contemporary ones like CBT, are based on a life history approach while I favor one based on mostly biological factors. The problem is that talk therapy can't deal with biological issues, only psychiatrists can, so therapists are pushing life history approaches.

talk therapy can't deal with biological issues, only psychiatrist

The meat computer in your skull is both hardwired and pliable to environmental conditions, if this weren't true behavior change would not be a thing.

I will concur that life history approaches are largely bullshit and tend to provoke neuroses alongside whatever coping mechanisms they might provide. I know way too many women who reframe everything in their lives through the lens of "their trauma" and that shit ain't healthy.

Also: Mottecels, lmao

Behavior change it's a thing, but personality change is not, unless there is a biological change like aging, drugs etc

lol Guess where I've heard about this sub?

Unless there is biological change like aging

Making the passage of time a qualifier against your statement is real big brain stuff.

What are you defining as personality? Isn't personality just sum total of your behaviours?

Personality is the sum total of your traits.

And your behaviour is the result of your traits ergo personality is linked to your behaviour, you cannot posit change in one without change in other except for maybe a MkUltra scenario.

Some people have genuine biological issues and would be helped much more by medication but i do also believe that with some people the issues are psychological.

These very specific schools of psychological thought come across as bullshit to me too but the underlying principle of verbalising things you usually keep inside and maybe having a somewhat competent person listening and slightly guiding you does have an effect.

Atleast in my case i went to talk therapy for 6 months and while it wasn't like in the movies where you have some big breakthrough and the psychologist truth bombs the shit out of you i still noticed that my life did get better and things that i felt stuck on suddenly started progressing. At its core i think it's an agnostic form of confession that can help many people but less so the ones with actual biological issues.

People pushing their own field instead of competing ones is pretty standard anywhere, from hard sciences to the more abstract stuff.

I agree. Verbalizing your issues to a trusted person is very useful. In trad christianity this was the role of confession.

the issue with talk therapy is that it doesn't deal with biological issues

It can if the therapist isnt a braindead moron. Depression comes to mind. Most therapists will say "see psych get pill", a good one will say "you literally have nothing in your life you think is pleasant you work, go home and turn your brain off to watch Netflix all night. Go make a change in your life" can actually help.

For the most part talk therapy helps with modes of thinking, recognizing bad behaviors and fixing it. Outside of that, yeah, its useless.

We're literally talking in the context of trannies, so I assumed you are talking about trans bs and not just left winged views.

I think theory of mind is a whole different concept.

It’s how they reproduce.

Because money and what a lot of people want to hear

Nose check

Therapists want to make you feel like you had some kind of important breakthrough with them so that you don’t think you wasted your money. It’s the same reason they convince ppl they have repressed memories and shit.

This knowledge also comes in handy if you're ever forced into therapy. Just make the "doctor" feel like they've accomplished something, and you get your shoelaces back.

There's an agenda, plain and simple.

Dad is prob Gen-X or old Millennial.

No millennial is old enough to have a 18+ kid

What's 38-18.


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Having a kid at 20 is not common

tell that to half the girls on tinder in my area

Move to a less trashy area

My area is nice but has low population density. I have to have my radius set pretty far, and that covers shittier areas in the dragnet too.

My baby and god come first. Not here for games

For dorks like you 40 is not common

20 years ago it was you absolute brainlet

You retard

What were the odds really?

Pretty good tbh, I'm completely willing to believe that a /pol/ack is a terrible father.

A good father cant do much about mental retardation

A bad one can do even less

That’s almost all heritable tbh

this is exactly the type of child Id expect to be birthed from a pol pigger


who uses 4chan as a legitimate adult with kids

What loser with a kid would be using the same consistently hilarious and totally anonymous social media forum with almost no censorship since the early 2000's



You realize a lot of us started browsing 4chan in our mid-20s, and are now mid-40s with kids.

Feels bad man

Doesn’t even read like a larp.


That's a fucking bait lol.

Whered the photo come from then

Could just be a photo from his Facebook profile.

From either someone who already knew him, or someone who found out his name and added him as a friend. (if he has those privacy settings enabled)

it takes no more than 2 seconds to trick every single reverse image search engine commercially available

True - finding sauce is difficult sometimes

It's actually real, so is the HOI4 thing. Can't find the post but the girlfriend confirmed it on their Reddit account somewhere on the CHAZ sub, I'll try to find it.

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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check.


  1. So the "guy" whose lunch was taken ... -,

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fake and gay


I've been on /pol/ for 6 or 7 years now, it's practically home.

So he joined around the time GamerGate was starting.

Average femboy Hooters adovocate

No way this is real

Is there anything more cucked than raising a s*n


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Dat airsoft ak47

>everything posted here is a lie

Newfags need to get the fuck out jesus christ. The Zoomer and its consequences have been a disaster for the internet. Zoomercide soon.

I can’t even begin to describe the way I feel somewhere between rotfl and society as we know it is over.


If this doesn't prove that grand strategy games are harmful for mental health, I don't know what will.

Lmao what a shit dad, calling an online image board their home jfc

No wonder his son is a tranny, he was busy posting about blacks and Jews on pol instead of raising him (assuming it's real)

Someone should tell that guy his son has BPD, and his wife probably does too.

Lol u guys are so quick to believe this bullshit 😂

God what a gross subhuman


troidtits are so weird looking

Imagine reading all of that 😂