The South is rising again

484  2020-06-11 by carpathian-florist


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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These fucking retards hate religion and the police.

*Someone gets shot*

Quick someone call the cops

*retard crushes his own skull doing something retarded*

Everyone pray for him.


This experiment failed before it even began.

The statue was taken in for questioning.

Police are trying to interrogate him but they're getting stonewalled

dude got stonewall jacksoned

rock pun.

Thots and prayers.

Thots and players... Thots and players...

Why is everyone screenposting these days? Link the tweet ffs

deux tards don't upvote anything unless it's stickied or an image

What's the point of image posting? The real drama is always in the replies.

screenshot the best replies so I don't have to increase twitter pageviews

Are you really going to take a principled stand against giving Twitter page views while you're on Reddit?

Yes. Plus comments can be deleted but screenshots retain the degeneracy forever.

That's what the archive bot is for!

You mean the funny quote bot?

Mostly cause tweets get deleted pretty quickly

Rapefugees are incapable of assimilating to drama culture

Seething in every thread?😎

This is the only way in 2020 a confederate soldier could still kill someone.

Are you sure? Reddit told me there are currently 50 million confederate soldiers in the US massacring minorities.

Reality is often very disappointing.

Pfft, please, 100 million at least

at least $38 billion

Is Brett a native speaker? Because his English is atrocious.

Some journalists think of themselves as authors and use convoluted language in order to sound artistic.

You can’t dodge the Hodge baby!

(Statue was of a Colonel Hodge)

Haha statue go TIMBEEERRR

Can't make an omelette without cracking a few skulls

Hodge gets his revenge from beyond the grave

Why didn't the police stop these ugly lesbians?

Jamal nervously looked around as he tossed the loop of his rope around the marble statue of a white man, hoping for reassurance from his brethren.

“Am I doing the right thing?”, he thought to himself for a fleeting second, as the loud crowd grew with intensity around him. He grasped the rope harder, remembering that this was his chance to rewrite the racist history his grandparents endured. Jamal was lucky to grow up in the upper middle class, but always felt a tinge of guilt for not growing up with the “black struggle”. This scared him, and as his anger grew, further away that fleeting thought became.

“This is for every time a white person that was weirdly nice around me because they were wary of black people!” Suddenly he’s bombarded with a flurry of memories; “remember when you were 13 and that white girl asked to feel your hair?” These experiences of systematic racism weren’t all that bad in truth, but it proved that white men and women could be made to feel guilty. “Besides”, he thought, “there’s so many successful ones; they can afford to be lowered by society. Whites oppressed my grandparents - it’s only right that we reclaim what’s ours, and this group can make it happen.”

As Jamal adjusted and tightened the rope, he waited for the group countdown. When the time came, he began pulling as the structural integrity of the statue began to uproot. Back and forth, back and forth; the statue creaked the more the group screamed and pulled and the intensity grew with momentum. As it rocked further, there was a loud SNAP as the statue base finally uprooted.

“I can’t breathe!” He screamed, as the inanimate marble statue of white man crushed his upper body. It was in that moment that he had a moment of reflection; he watched the blood pool from his head on to the concrete, thinking to himself, “fucking white people...”

assuming he had inner monologue

Damn bruh gotta break some shii

Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.


  1. The South is rising again -,

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Not now snappy



Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


bro got the afterlife kill

That profile pic looks like a salesman from the 1950s who mainly focuses on encouraging doctors to prescribe Lucky Strike cigarettes.

And the Darwin award goes to!......................






( •_•)

Looks like

( •_•)>⌐■-■

He got hit in the head with a statue



I was there for this causing chaos, it was wild.

Lol @ them pottering about with trash bags "cleaning up" next to a corpse leaking brain matter. All due to their collective idiocracy.