Strong and brave

628  2020-06-11 by MikeStoklasa-cel


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Welp black people are predators that eat innocent creatures for nutrition now.

Always struck me as weird how they compared minorities to predators in that movie

Zootopia is a weird movie, because it tries to make the predator/prey dynamic an analogy for both racism and misogyny at the same time.

The predators are the minority in their society (approx 10% of the population if I remember right) and in the third act of the movie are being falsely prosecuted and imprisoned for being more "violent" than the prey, so naturally you assume that they are the stand in for real world minorities being arrested at higher rates in order to make a political/socieconomic analogy. But then you see that the entire police force is made of predators (as well as mayor/president/whatever being a predator), and they make the point that Judy had to work harder to get into the police force to overcome her biological disadvantage since she's smaller and weaker, so they're also trying to spin the angle that the predators are male oppressors of the female prey. This allegory is also supported by all the important male characters in the movie being predators (the fox, the tiger, the lion) and the important females being prey (the rabbit, the sheep, and the gazelle with the fat ass in the end credits).

But of course, the real analogy is the sheep (aka lamb, another term for God's chosen people) is the one who was in charge of everything behind the scenes and created all the problems for the main cast, so take that as you will.

the gazelle with the fat ass in the end credits


The lamb was long nose man and it’s surprising how accurate it is lol

aka lamb, another term for God's chosen people



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The lamb metaphor is also in line with Psalm 23, which depicts God as a shepherd leading his flock (mankind).

Ewes = Jews

Pretend to be harmless but secretly behind all wars and racial conflict, uses the most violent tenth of society as a weapon against the law-abiding in an effort to take over the world? Invented the interest rates and usurious mortgages that form the core of modern debt-slavery? (Also owned most of the auction houses and ships involved in old-fashioned transatlantic slavery.)

Any of this ringing a bell? You must be an American if you have to be spoon-fed something so obvious.

They probably took your foreskin too.

kibutzed and goipilled

I'll bet the British male feminists who let their daughters get groped by grooming gangs enjoy this movie on a weekly basis.

Oi daddy? why is the predator speaking English in the movie?

It honestly felt like one of those gaslights I keep hearing about.

lowkey based

Makes sense to me

What did they mean by this?

Surprisingly based zootopia

Watch beastars for the sequel

Why is zootopia politik now? Why are the bunny bitch's boobs small and non existent? Talk about an embarrassment 😒😒😒

ah Comradegoku you have always the best comments. Every fucking day of my terrible life i come home and look at DeuxRAMA and your comments are here waiting for me. Everyone here in Bohemia loves you. My family, friends, my boss and our government, they love you all. I hope you will have a great day and will keep our days bright.

Thanks racist femboy and yes europe is not socialist, welfare state is not socialism 🥰🥰🥰

That's one for the snapshillbot

Cause no trouble.

Why are the bunny bitch's boobs small and non existent?

normally that isnt the case right /r/ZootopiaPorn/

Unironically hot and based

Subbed thx


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I should have kept that link blue.

Did it awaken something in you?

Yes, it did make something rise in me. Bile, to be specific.

Yes, suicidal thoughts

Lol the future is now bussy boy

god fucking damn it

What is it


Zootopia has always been about politik. The movie was basically about systematic racism and a little bit about police corruption. It ended up with the planning sheep and Judy accidentally invoking a race war. Animals have been used several times as metaphor for racism and coexistence. But that was heavily retard because being milanated isn't equal as being a whole different spiecies not mention one is called predators and the other preys.

I always thought the movie sounded interesting but it’s literally a kids movie. Was it good in your opinion

Im gay enough to say I saw it and honestly hardly remember any of it. I remember thinking the movie sucked and was very heavy-handed with its metaphors of police targeting of minorities or something along those lines. I don’t care if that’s the message, but it was done in such an obvious and graceless way that I remember just feeling like the movie was propaganda.

Propaganda movies are lame. I probably won’t watch the movie

Imagine not watching propaganda

Wow the famous watermark is on deuxrama. Slow day on r/drama? I’m assuming you are an approvedcel

I liek scene where slofth desk man move slow ha HA

The take-home message of Zootopia is "With Ewes, You Lose"

The best part of that furry virtue signalling: It calls blacks predators.

At least it's not calling black kids super predators. You'd have to be some sort of murderous, power-grabbing sociopath to call black kids super predators.

I always find it weird that they kept kids in human zoos, talk about sociopathic

when i saw her fat bunny cheeks in the movie i almost took myself in order to better the world. thankfully allah saved me 🙏


She is like little girl to attract Arab audience.

Oh ok

Lol ive seen her fucked in every way possible.



noooo don't be a coomer!!! :(


Hilqueen used to call them superpredators







Ooooo eeeee ooooo ahhhhh ahhhh, ting tang walla walla bing bang

Black people are predators. This is a great metaphor for all my fellow white people who want to help out black brethren! 😔✊🏿

Black people are animals. I am a vegan

On the subject of people who say "anyone still working as a cop is complicit in protecting the bad ones", I'm still confused.

What can Deputy Dipshit in Pennington, Alabama do about corruption in Minneapolis? Hell, the St. Paul police have no jurisdiction over Minneapolis, and it's essentially the same city.

By their logic, anyone working at Target is complicit in Walmart's labor exploitation.

tinyy neck lol.! tiny bunny neck. doesn’t look like th that in the reaal world

Aww what a cute bunny


How are you supposed to fuck that?

You don't, you just give it head pats and love.

Thank you op. This was the motivation I needed to finally tie the rope.

Did the author just call minorities predators?

society filled with members who have genetic inclinations towards violently killing the docile members of society

this is an allegory about how black people face discrimination

Not exactly a great movie to use as a metaphor in this scenario, but sure go with it.

its actually genius, the whole film basically calls you out for being a race realist. You go into the movie with a preexisting conception of predators and prey, and then it plays you when it turns out that predators really have no predatory tendencies at all and only are predators to make a point

So a fictional depiction of what animals are like is molded to fit a narrative that they're non-violent even though everyone knows that animals really would eat each other given the chance because even herbivores will gladly munch on meat when given the opportunity.

tl;dr a fictional depiction is fictional

pretty much. my point was just that they bamboozled the audience into realizing theyre all predator hating bigots

I imagine there is someone who watched that movie and then got bit by a wild animal and learned an important lesson about narratives.

do they arrest monkeys or...?

Predatorial animals

No you're thinking of Sing.

There are no cops in monkee society



Earth just lost its best defender

Damn she really did quit, she now doing porn on the hub! 😱

Have you posted bussy yet?


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Only true deuxchads will understand 😎

i too want to fuck that bussy 🙂

I too want to feel the bern.

I Want To Fuck That Bunny

This made me cry ngl

It's funny because they're predators.

Lowkey tho the rabbit got a fat ass I’d fuck her and make her squirt on my cock while I rubbed her nipples and made her cum a lot because I’m an alpha male who’s good at sex and makes women have strong and powerful orgasms!!!


Zootopia abortion comic part 2???

But why

yes but no

Based and anti-pig pilled

Nick I'm sorry I can't beat apes and cockroaches with batons anymore.

calling black people predators to be woke

Not as good as the abortion one

abortion time

bunny bitch is even hotter 😩

So instead of trying to help fix shit you just walk away? Sure because no cops is so much better

god shes so fucking hot