Just filled out Trump's completely unbiased questionnaire

302  2020-06-11 by macfan100


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Biden 2020

This but ironically, Bernie or bust fr

This but unironically, I'm ridin with biden

That ride has an age limit of 6 and under, bro


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'Would you vote for president Trump in the next election?'


'Not no'

Lmao is this a real poll?

Based beyond parody, folks we're in the best timeline.

It's self parody.

Trump is just fucking awesome mostly.


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that's one interpretation, another is that people who like trump are literally retarded.

Woah watch it with that use of the r word, faggot


If people who dislike trump are so brilliant how come they’re all on the verge of suicide due to body dysmorphia?

It's because of the body dysmorphia.

Can anyone who likes democrats not be equally retarded though? I mean, just look at them

L*ftoids 🙄🙄

That's too later brothers, we stumbled in the meme dimension 🤯😵

Where's the lie

They kinda right tho ngl 😳

Drumpf is finished now

Rightoids btfo as i vote for my socialist, ms13 loving, lying, radical, low iq democrat.

With Trump and his supporters on one end and CHAZ on the other, is there any hope for the US? They're just so far beyond retarded now that I can't see how they're ever gonna recover.

Why are you concerned with the pawns ♟ when we the chessmasters👑


No, there is not. And I'm so fucking hapoy about that.


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Lmao elections in your country are weird, Biden is far from a socialist

DAE dumb americans ???


where ya from? finnland? HAHAHAHHAHAHA

No, i am from antartica


Yikes, bernie is such a shitty guy

Imagine posting this non ironically


Based. We ridin with Biden now

more like ridin on biden. gramps got that dementia dick


I don't care what any of you people say. Trump has been the best Israeli President in the history of the world

You put in your real info at the end?

Email: [email protected] Zip: 696969

[email protected] zip code: 80085

He's correct about every last one of those descriptions. Not sure it could have been worded better.

Lol I’ve met people like this, in real life. They truly never measure up in anything they do. They can’t maintain eye contact, they don’t ever really accomplish anything, this is his only outlet because he’s too spineless, weak, and awkward to do anything else. He goes from sub to sub crying about some kind of criminal high fantasy as if anyone would ever notice him in real life. Someone’s probably bullying him as we speak lmao.


  1. Just filled out Trump's completely ... - archive.org, archive.today

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We love OUR president \o/

Master shitposter

congratulations they harvested your email

All of his mail in questionaires are like this too, it's incredibly based

God this guy is so fucking retarded I love it