The CHAZ ministry of agriculture is hard at work.

411  2020-06-11 by myNAMEjef420


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Is this for real? Why havent they removed the flowerpots? Also is Chaz gona subsist on a diet of oregano and mint?

Why? Because they're all sheltered kids who haven't worked a hard day in their lives

Taking the plants out the the pots takes more spoons than I have right now


Say they take them out of the pots and actually “plant” them. They couldn’t grow anyway because the dirts real shallow on fucking cardboard. I guess these idiots don’t know how roots work.

The cardboard with dirt on it is to kill the grass and turn it into mulch. It works but it’s not some quick thing. The cardboard and grass break down and allow you to plant stuff. People do it when they are too lazy to till the ground.

Huh the more you know.

Yeah, its still pretty stupid though. It takes a while for it all to break down and turn into usable earth. They aren't planting anything there for a while. Its an ok strategy if you are a home owner and want a wild area or whatever, for this its pretty dumb.

I can’t wait to see what they do for the winter! They do realize most things need to be started early Feb? None of these plants will bear let alone enough lmao

I don’t expect delusional, sheltered college ‘educated’ whities to know anything about gardening, though, let alone agriculture.

This shits just getting funnier and funnier.

Where the fuck you live to be planting crops 2 months after Christmas? The equator?

Humid subtropical like most of the South but in Seattle it would be late March.

We had snow on fucking Monday.

Warmcels out


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Do you live in Siberia?

LOL this.

implying they'll make it to the winter

It's hard to tell but it looks like tomatoes and peppers, if they raid the local whole foods they might be able to make some pasta sauce in August!

There are plenty of crops you can plant in various seasons and get something out of it, problem is you have to know what they are which could be a major hurdle for these folks


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I'll make it even funnier for you: these pictures are from the head organizer's Twitter... some of them are from one month ago.

They actually think Minecraft farming works in real life.

The aütism, it hurts

Thanks for the info, I have a metric fuck ton of clover and this might be a good way to kill them AND replant a nice AF lawn.

I'm Hank Hill as fuck about a good lawn

yeah bro, its an easy and inexpensive way to get rid of crap you dont want and make it usable soil. Just be sure to use untreated cardboard. Some of it has a coating that makes it water resistant (and will probably leach weird chemicals into the ground)

Why not have a clover lawn? They don’t need cut all the time and don’t need a metric ton of water every day.

It reminds me of the Irish 🤮

I actually enjoy cutting the lawn as it's nice exercise, fresh air and sun but I gotta keep the HOA complacent too. Luckily mine is actually really fuckin cool. Big time horticulture lover here as well, I'll post some pictures of the back deck and garden once it starts to really bloom.

eta: Also, with thick grass I don't deal with the constant issue of muddy paw prints on everything. My dog is like half corgi so it takes him 3x the steps to travel

fucking faggot holy shit. killing off nice wildish grass and replacing it with corporate approved alternative :( peak boomer.

Don't you dare talk bad about my Kikuya grass, i'll send my boy Hank Hill to you're house with a 9 iron

Are you cutting your lawn with a scythe yet? Also I forgot about the mud thing that’s one thing that sucks about clover.

lmao wait I can actually use a scythe to do that? Fucking awesome, I'm getting some grim reaper robes and gonna cut my neighbors lawns

I said that part half-jokingly lol. You can cut your lawn with a scythe but you’d have to let it grow more than you would like to actually cut it decently. Plus you have to sharpen the blade a lot. On the upside its a great workout and you don’t have to spend money on gas or pollute the environment.

Hahah i figured as much, I just have some neighbors I wanna freak out since they are old.

Clover adds nitrogen to the soil so you really should leave it

I burn about 50% of my fallen leaves, the other 50% get shredded and put into the compost pile. Burnt leaf ash add some good nitrogen to soil but gotta make sure you watch the pH levels.

Just cover the area with sod from home depot

they're doing it wrong because they didn't give it time to break down lol

Imagine even thinking you need to explain this. Urbanization and it’s consequences etc etc

FYI, ive been to this area a few times. I've poured water with heavy amount of salt all over this

pic or it didn't happen nigga

Sorry but I'm not a millennial fag, I like to commit my acts of vandalism without recorded evidence of my wrong doing to avoid a criminal record. How else do you think i got my job of oppressing minorities?

But for real, only dipshits film themselves when they fuck with people.

>flairless mong

>not showing pics

>not using a VPN

you're new, aren't you?

So you’re afraid of getting caught vandalizing a fake garden in a zone where there are no actual laws or cops 🤔🤔

Cringe larp bro


Electrolytes are what plants crave

I thought that was Brawndo

Any isotonic drink will have all the healthy electrolytes that plants crave

Stop with the nerd shit

I'll mutilate your thirst like blm bussy


All it's going to take is one confused comrade walking at night to destroy this year's crops.

Holodomor 2

Agriculture is raycis, monke hunt monke eat from trees

lmaooo thats fuckin hilarious

They're two days away from watering it with Brawndo.

Has he distributed land and peasants among his loyal vassals yet ?

Nah, they're likening this initiative to Mao, with expected results too!

I know they're retarded but I refuse to believe this is real

what's the thing in the red circle

A dead plant that they planted anyway.

LPT: Live plants aren't grey


When consumeproduct is better at agriculture than larpy anarchists.

It isn't that hard. But these people probably never seen a cow or real farmland.

They think that water is all that plants need.

Consumeproduct's transformation into a gardening subreddit is actually a way better outcome for that place than anyone could have predicted.

You just wait, they're going to grow so much food they'll start subsidising the U.S. with their surplus.

Lol - why the fucking tarp with dirt on it. And are they too lazy to take the plants out of the pots?

It's cardboard. Ideally, you place the cardboard over grass then bury it under a foot of topsoil, and the cardboard will kill the underlying grass and break down into compost. However, it takes months for this process to complete, and these retards only put a few inches of dirt on top of it.

They're just too lazy to use a spade to flip the soil over. Which basically does the same thing.

they have managed to do literally everything wrong. this is like something from a sitcom lmfao

Maybe the Holodomor actually was just a mistake rather than an engineered famine?

Did they put the topsoil on a fucking tarp?

How the hell is that supposed to work?

It's cardboard.

so what are these tards gonna eat in the months it takes for the crop to grow?

Walk to the burger king 2 blocks away.

The same thing they're eating right now: Starbucks and local restaurants.

Donated soy tendies.

I’m so confused, what even is this sub? Is it just really edgy satire? That might aswell be t_d by it’s sincerity. Then I saw some comments saying that it’s welcoming of all people and just to ignore those who say anything rude, which was upvoted, but then so was a reply which intentionally misgendered someone??

I I dont get what is going on here


  1. The CHAZ ministry of agriculture is... -,

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How long until the homeless still this magnificent harvest?

Niggas took my soil.

Cant have shit in chaz.

They forgot to plant the buttplugs.