This is absolutely beautiful! Vaush went from 100% listen and believe to a devout skeptic in three seconds.

164  2020-06-11 by gggdddggdd


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Almost every female friend I have has been the recipient of sexual assault

That's like Samuel Little saying half of the women he met have been murdered.

Nice reference. I was under the impression Samuel Little kind of went under the radar.

It was cause of racism

How many foids has this male feminist assaulted

I have a friend who watches this guy religiously like he’s seen every single stream of his.

He also wants a strong black woman to femdom him and he owns anal plugs so I’m not saying correlation equals causation but I’ll let you brainstorm on that one

What!? M-m-m-muslims can't rape! Its the religion of peace!

Police DEFINITELY would've taken the report seriously in THAT case

also the fact that he automatically reads "non-white" rapist as brown lmao there are so many layers to this video being hilarious

What if he were a Jewish rapist?

Then the adl would get involved

What a pathetic little cunt.


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Autojannie described Vaush’s girlfriend.

Based automod

Why would anyone watch that guy? I can't even imagine but the most woke of wokies do

To see the cope like this?
Then again, just watch the replays when he copes that hard. XD

Someone has to actually watch all of it to pick out the cøping though.

HAHAHAHAHA I thought the video was way too long but the buildup actually makes it

It's not surprising that 1 in 2 women is raped around a male feminist

I'm a faggot, all men hanging with me are faggots too, this must be a general rule.

“Almost every female friend I have has been the recipient of sexual assault”

I wonder why

the pattern seems to be blacking out then waking up later in a black tracksuit smelling like pussy. maybe he just thinks hes getting laid every time

I don’t know how a person could flip like that. How? Genuine cringe 🤕

"every female friend I had has been the recipient of sexual assault"

Maybe stop trying to rape people you know bro. What kind of ethot does he hang out with?

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. This is absolutely beautiful! Vaush... -,

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Thanks for choosing us browns over hoes, king 💪

BASED Vaush standing up for us muslims.

based and vaush can never be use in the same sentences

Idk man he did say gays and troids are subhuman so...

vaush said that?

I watched a video where he went after another leftoid for not wanting to vote Biden and I'm convinced he is in the top ten most annoying people on earth.


shut the fuck up about rape you little pussy because this month isnt about rape. Its about BLM. If you get raped, fine, we get it but please stop fucking reporting it. BLM ✊🏽 ✊🏽 ✊🏽 ✊🏽 ✊🏽 ✊🏽 ✊🏽 ✊🏽 ✊🏽 ✊🏽 ✊🏽

This but every month

the inferential statistics are strong with this one.

The whole "asking rhetorical questions to 'prove' my worldview" shtick was old when Sargon did it relentlessly five years ago, but his disgusting reaction to what the woman was actually saying was entertaining.

I feel like this guy will be on network television in a matter of months