Containment sub for mentally ill "w*men" now scouring every line of the only book they read to look for crypto-wrongthink

76  2020-06-11 by newfstaragalt


Trans women are women

I identify as a little Japanese girl despite presenting as a 185cm tall, 85 kg adult Nordic male, respect my delusions as well!

I know you think that this is really funny, but it's not the same thing โ€” at all. The overwhelming scientific consensus is that sex is not binary, but influenced by a myriad of factors, and that the identities of transgender people are just as valid as the identities of cis people.

Beyond getting an education in biology yourself, the best thing that you can do is to defer to these experts and to just live by the rule that you should try to be nice to people and to avoid unnecessary offense. After all, no matter what, transgender people are people, and thus deserve the respect given to any other human being.


You aren't allowed to be mean to me. Banned.


Have sex with me



shut your dum-dum bubblegum lookin cracker ass the fuck up. goddamn whiteoids i swear.


Are they really

Ok, but who asked?

Me :)

And my dick is reincarnated spirit of Nixon.

That sub never stops being utterly retarded, I love it

The Salem Witch Trials were totally ridiculous because magic obviously isn't real but that won't stop me from trying to cast hexes on everyone that slightly upsets me

Yeah the 19th amendment was a great idea

The 19th amendment doesnโ€™t apply to 99% of the posters on that sub

Tbh, I'd respect their choice of pronoun if it also meant I could deny them the ability to vote. Lets repeal the 19th in a progressive manner.

Most of them are mayos for sure

Most of them are troids.

Spezs law 1:

Women don't exist on reddit. It's all troids.

Troid โ€œhumourโ€ needs to be exhibit A in classifying transbianism as a mental illness

there's a reason every respectable religion in human history has been strictly patriarchal, feminine spirituality quickly degenerates into this

I think troids corrupted women so hard shit like this is their way of coping

ok who cares about religion lol bitch faggot much

wow this faggot did something funny for once ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜„


  1. Containment sub for mentally ill "w... -,*

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White men need to start handling wh*te w*man better to prevent this shit.

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I thought the whole point of Harry Potter was an introduction to mental illness. Hogwarts wasn't real. Harry was hallucinating the entire thing and he was homeless.

They really don't get that this was the scene where you were supposed to realize Hermione is know-it-all and a cunt, right? It's not some amazing moment for her.