Dropping red pills
12 2020-06-11 by YTtears4fearsDSCoolC
So here's the truth about the system that'll fuck up your mind
They gave Al Queda 6 billion dollars in 1989 to 1992
And now the last chapters of Revelations are coming true
And I know a lot of people find it hard to swallow this
Because subliminal bigotry makes you hate my politics
But you act like America wouldn't destroy two buildings
In a country that was sponsoring bombs dropped on our children
I was watching the Towers, and though I wasn't the closest
I saw them crumble to the Earth like they was full of explosives
And they thought nobody noticed the news report that they did
About the bombs planted on the George Washington bridge
Four Non-Arabs arrested during the emergency
And then it disappeared from the news permanently
They dubbed a tape of Osama, and they said it was proof
"Jealous of our freedom, " I can't believe you bought that excuse
Rockin a motherfucking flag don't make you a hero
Word to Ground Zero
The Devil crept into Heaven, God overslept on the 7th
The New World Order was born on September 11
1 AutoModerator 2020-06-11
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5 troomerslammer 2020-06-11
CIA are just jannies that get paid to poop into other countries and clean It later on
2 Rosey9898 2020-06-11
Akshually the NWO was born on December 26, 1991
2 YTtears4fearsDSCoolC 2020-06-11
That's exactly when the CIA stopped funding the Nats and starting funding the ANC instead, so I think you have a point.
2 Emo_Emoji 2020-06-11
Father, forgive them, for they don't know right from wrong The truth will set you free, written down in this song And the song has the Cause of Death written in code The Word of God brought to life, that'll save ya soul..
2 YTtears4fearsDSCoolC 2020-06-11
I know the CIA saw Bin Laden on dialysis
In '98 when he was Top Ten for the FBI
Government ties is really why the Government lies
Read it yourself instead of asking the Government why
'Cause then the Cause of Death will cause the propaganda to die
1 SnapshillBot 2020-06-11
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1 Pro895YT 2020-06-11
1 YTtears4fearsDSCoolC 2020-06-11
This is the age of microchips and titanium
The dark side of the Moon and contact with aliens
I started out like Australians: criminal-minded
It rains acid, one day the Earth will cry from a stone
And you'll be lookin' at the world, livin' inside of a dome
Computerized humanity livin' inside of a clone
Team Fortress Zone
1 [deleted] 2020-06-11
1 ingrall 2020-06-11
2 YTtears4fearsDSCoolC 2020-06-11
Immortal Technique, the left-wing conspiracy rapper
1 google_levon-affair 2020-06-11
There was a 3rd building that was set on fire and (((collapsed))) under its own footprint