VileRat, the goon/EVE player killed in the Syrian bombings, was a casual racist and mod at SA. SA mods now ban anybody who reposts his white savior rants

17  2012-11-07 by [deleted]

Screenshot of one of his comments and the original link (hidden behind a paywall).

Ycombinator on the topic. Goons mocking the comment on Youtube. Google search of the first line in the above comment filtered by the Something Awful site. Example of a ban.

The racism thing on VileRat's part is pretty hushhush outside of Something Awful. Some of it's public relations, a lot of it's the culture of isolationism encouraged by SA moderators that's driven off a lot of their userbase in the past few years. It's pretty interesting stuff, especially when you consider the difference between user and mob spats between subreddits and permanent bans from a website you ostensibly pay to use. But that's enough editorializing from me.