Tumblr Male vs. Female Privilege Drama. Featuring several Tumblrs over a four month period!

5  2012-11-16 by moraigeanta

So, apologies, because Tumblr's format is a little bizarre and this spans a period of months, so hopefully this is understandable.

The Tumblr battle begins four months ago when opposing Tumblrs All About Male Privilege and this is female privilege come into existence. The opposing forces will be referred to as AMP and TMP respectively because I am lazy. Both blogs are submission based, so sort of like reddit except you wouldn't realize it wasn't the blog owners writing everything if they didn't explicitly tell you so.

AMP kicks off with a positively received first post. TMP, on the other hand, starts drama immediately in a comment about hair length, attracting 187 notes and confusion over whether the blog is serious or not.

TMP quickly gains both fans and enemies, including another Tumblr, Actually This is Male Privilege which is dedicated to refuting TMP and lasts about a month. AMP is less controversial, with most of its early detractors angry about the WNBA. Both continue to receive a fair amount of fan/hate mail up to the present day.

AMP and TMP finally cross paths with this post about feminism, which AMP reblogs and comments on. This starts a sort of Tumblr Cold War where neither side engages the other directly. Instead, they stick to reblog rebuttals and attacking the other's tags with gifs and pictures of their face but semi-hidden.

The Cold War shows no signs of slowing, with at least one new Tumblr rising up either to troll AMP or support TMP, and both AMP and TMP still updating daily addressing things like battered wife syndrome and bus etiquette. I hope you all enjoy!