/r/Classicalmusic realises that their submissions are being reposted by a Twitter bot.

7  2012-11-28 by [deleted]

I go on /r/classicalmusic this morning and find a hamburger on the front page with 900 upvotes.

Then I learn from this earlier post that @ClassicalM retweets the top posts on r/classicalmusic without giving credit.

In the grand scheme of things, who gives a damn, right? Well, According to this comment, the bot might be making somebody some money because clicking on the link via twitter first redirects you to an analytics website.

That post is also retweeted by the Twitter bot. It is hilarious.

Subscribers are now trying to sabotage the bot, considering ideas such as posting very NSFW content to the subreddit in hopes that it will be reported to the Twitter admins and be removed. Another suggestion is adding cuss words to all their posts. Why? Because an earlier attempt to throw off the twitter account failed because of the inclusion of the word "shitty." The bot filters out swear words.

This is the funniest thing in this whole ordeal. The creators appear to be unaware that /r/classicalmusic is aware.

This user says it best.

The alternative is to, you know, not give a fuck.