[PSA] Annoyed by the np.reddit and the www.np.reddit links?

64  2012-12-21 by withmorten

Edit 2: Another extension that simply replaces all np. links with normal reddit links: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/reddit-no-participation-t/kbggmcnpaopajfmhojfogfcbgdmnbann

Edit: Uploaded an updated version, thanks to /u/KarmaAndLies! Just reinstall the script, or remove it beforehand and install it again, and it should work better. Details here!


Well then here's a userscript that redirects you to www.reddit.com if your URL contains http://np or http://www.np!


I modified an existing version that wouldn't redirect on www.np links, original script is credited.

Here's a How-To-Install for Chrome, and here's how you do it in Firefox!