[Youtube] Brony hater makes a video that unleashes the anger of Youtube Bronies.

8  2012-12-23 by TwasIWhoShotJR

OverlordL4hard is a youtube uploader best known for this videos All Bronies are Autistics, The Truth About Being A Brony, and, Burn Bronies Burn.

While getting some small time attention for said videos, OverLordL4harl's shining moment in the sun came once he released his video Lauren Faust is a Liar. The comment section is alight with MLP profile pics, and the teeth gnashing of angry Bronies.

Then, his video caught the attention of a Brony Vlogging profile DerpyEyedPodCasting, who released a response video about how wrong OverLordL4harl is, and how mean he is.

Of course OverlordL4harl commented on said video :

Fucking faggot, you dont know how manny faggots i beat up in the past before, AND you're gonna be next on the list. be warned douchebag. Im going to accept this video response because i enjoy freedom of speech (unlike other retards on jewtube)

Adding to this bizarre mini slapfight are the rest of the comments in the DerpyEyedPodCasting's video.

As per usual, be sure to check out everyone's Youtube profile comment sections, they are drowning in really stupid, hateful, badly spelled comments!

(Also keep in mind that any new videos pertaining to this drama will be updated here)