I've compiled a list of 200 Reddit accounts that were likely created by Gawker for spam purposes. And there's more out there.

72  2013-01-09 by Alphadog33

  1. It would be impossible to fit the list in here, so kindly visit my blog for the full listing.

  2. Please don't report these all to RTS. An admin already knows about this, and it's more useful having these accounts to study for the time being.

  3. If anyone sees errors, let me know. A couple of these accounts may be legitimate (i.e. not affiliated with Gawker) but the vast majority were definitely created by Gawker employees or interns.

  4. Obviously I'm no fan of Gawker. But I'd like to know whether this qualifies as systematic spamming, and whether that would be grounds for the admins to ban Gawker sites on Reddit? At what point is that line crossed?