[META] Downvoting awesome drama, really?

2  2013-02-11 by [deleted]

Why in eleven hells the [META] Pony emotes? Really? post is at 25/17 right now? It was at 7/0 when us Europian drama connoseurs were awake, and then you American plebs have to come and downvote this delicious morsel, because you fuckers are so trigger-happy!

Stop it! Drama is awesome! Don't do that!

Is it that hard to understand that using the Mighty Downvote more often than not makes you a fool, and 100 times out of 100 when someone very brave wanders in here? Like, why would you do that, let their idiocy shine, what the fuck, get some self-awareness, people!

edit: I'm pretty drunk and also angry at you silly downvoters and also pretty.