Psycho Redditor Facebook friends an older family member of mine, steals their pictures of me, and posts them to /r/amiugly

79  2013-02-27 by [deleted]

Basically what the title says. She used old pictures of me when I was sick, overweight, and highly stressed over my husband possible upcoming deployment.

Here is the thread

Then a user asks for pictures of me with makeup on and she posts recent pictures of me


Then I start getting messages from the account. Here

Those messages led me to the thread and that's when I found out she had posted my pictures. When I posted the most recent picture of myself the comments turned around. Then the stalker started messaging me hate mail. (Which is not a new thing) her plan seems to have backfired, and as I said in the thread, it made me feel good about myself that she posted possibly the most horrible picture I've ever taken, in a terrible point in my life, and all people had to say was that I needed to loose weight and cut my hair (which I had already done quite some time ago)

Anyways I thought you might enjoy the drama. :)