Drama around notorious recaster Bob "Videobob" Moseley on GBFans.com

14  2013-03-06 by [deleted]

A bit of context and a tl;dr, since this is a pretty long post with something like 2 years of history to it.

Context: GBFans is a ghostbusters fansite, focusing largely on making replica props of proton packs, PKE meters, uniforms, and anything else you can think of (seriously, give the build section a look). People make absolutely astonishing, often screen-accurate replicas of props from the films, cartoon, game, etc. A few folks even produce some really beautiful components or entire props to resell.

Recasting is basically bootlegging parts made by someone else, and selling them as your own work. It's a pretty big no-no, because you're taking money away from the original artist, and claiming their work as your own (recast parts are usually quite inferior to the original, too).

The linked forum post is about a pretty notorious recaster named VideoBob. The tl;dr is that a couple of years ago, VideoBob started selling what he has more than once admitted are recast parts. VideoBob was subsequently shunned by most of the community, but continued (and still does) to attempt to sell his recast parts. In addition, he's known for making some pretty wild claims, like that he's getting a prop making show on the Discovery Channel, or an exclusive deal with Sony.
