[Meta] State of the Subreddit. Aka super important things are going to be said here! Lyke Oh Em Gee!

15  2013-03-26 by TwasIWhoShotJR

Just a fabulous reminder that we are, indeed, the best thing ever.

But really! We have had an influx of new users, and while they are totes as amazing as the morning sun shining on the face of one of our many lolcows here in r/drama, we need to take a moment and gather ourselves, because super important things are needing to be said!

r/Drama is a drama sub that caters to all forms of drama, gossip, and rumors from pretty much the entire internet. This means everything from national news stories, to the comment sections of IMDB, we take it all, and we love it. If there is a comment section, there is drama, and we want you to post it here!

While also catering to off-site drama, we still love and adore Reddit drama, including meta happenings, and general shittery that occurs on Reddit. So feel free to post whatever!

Tags: We have them! As a sub that includes offsite drama, it's important to let readers know what platform their drama is coming from. Currently we have:

[Facebook] / [Twitter] / [Tumblr] / [LOL] (for general drama, usually from a news source) / [LiveJournal] / [Meta] / [Recap] / [Meltdown] / [Gossip] / [Rumor]

Gossip Tags: The gossip tag is for general information, doings, shenanigans, and faux pas that, while not uber dramatic, are of interest to those who keep up with topics of that subject matter - not to mention the meta! A lot of meta happenings on Reddit are considered gossip, and we encourage users to post them!

Rumor tags: We don't really know. It was just funny at the time, if you have a rumor of some kind, it doesn't really have to be truthful, just provide context. In the past, rumor tags have been used as "call-out" posts to specific users, and that's fabulous, so go wild.

Reminder: Tags used for self posts will change pretty colors! Oh em gee, right? So if you are going to be using a tag, please feel obligated to do it in self-post form, and provide any context you feel is necessary, just posting the link is great too.

If your drama is from a website that does not have a tag, then just post it anyway!

Flairs: Get one! If you don't like our flairs, and you suspect you may be spending a considerable amount of time in our comment sections, then feel free to send the mods a png of something you'd like to be your flair, we are more than happy to oblige (just nothing pornographic plez).

IRC: We have one! It's in our sidebar, but here is the link for the lazy. Our IRC is very active, in fact it is frighteningly active - and thus amazing. Don't be shy, pop in and say hi!

Moderation: This subreddit is lightly moderated, and depends upon its userbase to downvote naughty things it doesn't like. Of course all things that break site-wide guidelines will be removed immediately, but other than that, users are allowed to say anything they want. Just don't be too awful, your karma score will not be happy with you in the morning.

I think that's it. It probably isn't, and I'll just edit in anything else later.

Basically, have fun dramatologists! (also if anyone can think of a new name for drama sub subscribers, please message the mods, because dramatologists is legit cray).