[LOL] People on Reddit are fucking stupid as shit [Multi-Sub Drama]

57  2013-03-31 by Discord_Dancing

Oh my. Did anyone else notice that in some countries it's April 1st already? Do most Redditors even know there are other countries other than Murica? Perhaps, but that's not the point of this post.

Many of the larger, more uppity subs have taken to pulling some pranks of their own for the occasion, and boy, did Reddit, really, really, really not get the joke.

Here is r/askscience making a meta post about a new rule creating sponsored posts, the topics of which were so over-the-top stupid that you'd think anyone with half a brain would understand was a joke, but alas, that's not the case. Instead everyone got really mad, oh noes!

Our other example, is oh my, askhistorians. What makes this one even funnier is that their post didn't even attempt to look serious, and yet, dingbats united to rage over how incredibly stupid the mods are.

The best, and most hilarious part of this, for me at least, is that these subs are the smart people subs, and god, for being the smart people subs...people are fucking stupid as shit.