"Anne Rice, did you just use your fan base to squash someone who didn't like a book you wrote?" - Anne Rice embroiled in internet drama on Facebook after a bad book review.

40  2013-05-03 by TwasIWhoShotJR

A small time blogger did a review for Anne Rice's book Pandora, and apparently hated it so much she cut it into tiny little pieces as a craft project.

Anne Rice caught wind of this blog, which has ~100 followers, and shared the posting on her facebook page. This lead to a massive witch hunt on the blogger, who soon after realizing she was getting a ton of attention, posted:

At this time I choose not to remove this post or the comments, the only difference is that a well-known author has singled out a single post from a tiny blog for her followers to demonize. Thank you for your time.

Again, here is the blog posting. The comments are juicy as fuck.

But it doesn't stop there.

It seems as though Anne's fans have turned against her, admonishing her for starting this entire ordeal, and are currently yelling at her, each other, and the blogger - turning her entire facebook page into a giant war zone.