Satanist pagan-nazi is really upset when he finds out an infamous black metal atheist-nazi is actually a "kill all gnostics" nazi.

5  2013-07-18 by PopcornKiller

..because they might be slightly jewish. Okay, this is a short story of neo-nazi Varg Virkenes, a black metal musician of the band Burzum, who has previously killed someone and burned down several churches. After going to jail for awhile he moved to France, got a farm, and started a neo-nazi blog. Oh, and he was just arrested for plotting terrorism.

wyrdreamer, finding out Varg is actually the wrong type of nazi, decides to take over Varg's blog now that he can no longer moderate it, since he is in jail, by spamming and trolling it.

Skip all the nazi shit and scroll down to the comments where wyrdreamer starts posting. It's like the neo-nazi version of tumblr otherkins. Oh and if you're in France I wouldn't comment there, or, maybe visit there at all, since that blog is supposedly where Varg's terrorism charges come from.