Moderator of /r/ImGoingToHellForThis admits to being racist. Posts to /r/OpenBroke /r/CircleBroke /r/TheoryOfReddit deleted. All of them have mods from /r/ImGoingToHellForThis

12  2013-07-25 by [deleted]

Original Post from /r/OpenBroke:

After identifying and publicly calling out known racists in various default and popular subs I started to get some negative mod attention. I was banned from /r/baseball, /r/iama and /r/ImGoingToHellForThis

I sent a generic mod message to each of the subs mod mail asking if they could give me a specific reason why I was banned. /r/IamA was likely trying to protect their image, since I called out a racist in the popular Bill Hader AMA while the AMA was new and there were only a handful of comments. That's fine, I can find them in a number of different subs.

The mods of /r/ImGoingToHellForThis had a different, and honestly expected, reaction. They were childish and insulting. I don't care about that either. It's part of that subreddits MO to retain that "edginess" that tweens and neckbeards find so "LE" these days.

They were persistent, though, so I decided to keep the conversation going and talking about how racists have infiltrated a lot of subs lately and that I'm only pointing out the one who are posting in popular subs to propagandize their hateful ideology.

That's when I got a surprise. One of the mods admitted to being a racist.

Here's a screencap of the good part featuring former /r/drama mod btburbank, seen here as Creep_The_Night

Earlier in the conversation the same mod had said that they remove overtly and obviously racist posts (which is bullshit, since I can count over a dozen overtly racist posts on their top post this week alone, and it's only Wednesday)!

So there we have it. Confirmation of a racist mod in a pretty popular subreddit. His account, at least his mod account, is only a few days old. Which makes me wonder if he's part of the new crop of racism propagators that have joined since /r/niggers disbanded, or if he has another account(s) to hide his racial ideology.

Further, mods of /r/ImGoingToHellForThis also share mod responsibilities in this subreddit, as well as in /r/CircleBroke and /r/TheoryOfReddit. Other users that have been known to post in racist submissions or make racist comments are mods in other popular subreddits. Some are mods for default subs. So even when the issue is addressed and raised, the mechanism for censorship is in place to make sure no one else can hear it. There's literally no where to turn when it comes to addressing mod behavior or biases or questionable intents and ideologies. Isn't that what this subreddit is for to begin with? To shine a light on the injustices that reddit imposes on a day-to-day basis?

The implication is that racists are using subs like /r/ImGoingToHellForThis to propagandize in the guise of "edgy humor". I don't want to make a blanket statement and say that every poster or contributor or mod to the sub is a racist, but some are clearly taking advantage of the falsehood that everything posted is just a "harmless joke" that can be chalked up to comedy.

The user I specifically called out that got me banned had a very popular post that reached the front page with a cartoon that made fun of "niggers". The OP had a history of posting racist comments in /r/TrayvonMartin as well as /r/politards

The underbelly has always been here, and it's no secret that White Supremacists and other hate groups have been using reddit and social media to propagate their messages of hate. Lately though it seems as if the underbelly is leaking into the popular subs, the default subs, and now the moderators of these subs themselves.

Will they, or won't they, eventually infect the hivemind?