Fighting Game Community bans Collusion in tournaments; reactions vary from "Finally" to accusations of Selling out.

9  2013-07-31 by [deleted]

After a shameful set of finals during an event last weekend, the discussion about collusion has erupted and generated it's fair share of drama through twitter among the fighting game community (players of Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom, etc.).

The drama is too scattered among many accounts and tweets to get together but some of this early drama can be observed in the comments of this article, when a sponsor of the fighting game events condemns it.

Two days later, tournament organizations and community representatives come together to ban Collusion in medium and major fighting games tournaments. The community explode, some of joy saying this was long needed while other's preach the incoming apocalypse with accusations of selling out, bias and the wonderful "strong and independent first world anarchists who need to policing".

The drama is currently unfolding in the comments of this article and can also observed in the comments of this other article - although the second one has calmed a bit.