[JUICY] TheAmazingAtheist's youtube comments and videos are being removed from Youtube for containing Hate Speech

39  2013-08-19 by [deleted]

The Fedoration of MRAuders takes yet another hit from evil, conspiring feminazis, who have apparently infiltrated Youtube headquarters!

here he is on tumblr saying: "Gettin real tired of yo shit, youtube"

the majority of reblogs celebrate this fact, including comments such as:


A great thing happened today!

sweeeeeeeet(on a side note, it still amuses me how amazingatheist is a literal proud overweight neckbeard)

Then he goes I love the feminists on here acting like this is some victory for their cause. It’s not. I’m going to get those videos back up. And even if I fail, every fan I have will upload them all over YouTube until the end of time.

and everybody is like, lol


An "Emergency" video posted by him

/r/MensRights and /r/SRSsucks poster boy /u/ss3james tries to round up supporters!