[Meta] Announcing the official r/Drama style and Design competition! Lyke be enamored by awesome this is!

1  2013-09-28 by [deleted]

We here at r/drama are happy to announce that we support the arts, and as such wish to provide a life changing opportunity to one savvy CSS designer! Your CSS design could become the new face of r/Drama!

By creating a humorous, and stylistically fabulous CSS subreddit design, you could become a moderator of our subreddit! And we wouldn't even demod if you we decided you're an asshole! It's that fabulous of an opportunity!

Here are the deets:

  1. No nudity.

  2. No profanity.

  3. Glitter is recommended, but not required!

  4. APNGs are a must!

  5. Are pictures of burning children too much? You decide!

  6. It has to be so fabulous it'd make Jesus cry.

  7. Don't fuck with our flair.

  8. No image links to outside subreddits. Ever.

How do I show you my work?

Just make a subreddit, and update it with your work of art, and then link it to us either here, or in mod mail (mod mail is prefered)

With all that said, we hope that all of you devoted drama following CSS masters are prepared for the miraculous, priceless, and life changing opportunity to do a lot of work that the rest of us are incapable of doing either due to real life social demands, or technological imcompetence!

Happy CSS designing!

And please don't bother responding to this post, mod mail us with your intent to create internet style magic!

Have a fabulous day!